Your Child Walks In During A Fight

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*NOTE: not edited*

"Y/N, I should be able to go out without you harassing me. You may be a mother but you're not my fucking mother, so stop acting like it." Niall screams.

"I'm not acting like your mother, Niall. I'm simply telling you that you shouldn't be out every single night without telling me you're going and then not answering any of my calls or texts but showing up at 3am, drunk out of your mind." You begin to raise your voice.

"And why is that Y/N? What's stopping me?" Niall screams even louder.

"This isn't getting us anywhere, forget about it Niall. Go out, get drunk but I'm not going to be here for you tonight." You say, trying to drop the subject.

"No, Y/N. You started this and it's not fucking finished." 

"M-mummy, d-daddy?" You hear the squeak of your 4 year old daughter.

"Hey baby, what are you doing up? What's wrong?" You go up to her crying figure and kneel down to her level, bringing her in for a hug.

"Why is daddy screaming at you mummy? Are you guys breaking up?" She cries, completely ignoring your question.

"Daddy isn't screaming at me my love, he's okay." You answer the first question, lying but trying to calm her down. You don't answer the second question though because truthfully, you didn't even know if your relationship was going to last anymore.

Niall had been out every single night for the past few weeks and he'd stumble through the door at stupid o'clock drunk. He never spent time with you anymore. He was recording and writing an album but with the free time he did have, it was never spent with you or your baby girl. You were sick and tired of it now and you didn't know how much longer you could last.

"But are you guys breaking up?" She sobs even louder. You look up at Niall who's face has softened and back down at your daughter.

"Baby, please don't cry." You say, still ignoring her question.

"How 'bout we get you back to bed, yeah?" You say, lifting her up into your arms as she nods.

"Princess come here, daddy will put you back to bed." Niall says, walking over to her in your arms,

She puts her arms out, reaching for Niall as he takes her into his arms carefully.

"Don't do anything stupid." You say to Niall as he handles her.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He whispers, taking her into her room.

You get changed into your pyjamas and climb into bed. 

When Niall still isn't back 10 minutes later, you begin to get worried and get out of bed to check on your daughter.

As you walk up to her door, you see Niall kneeled down next to her bed, speaking very softly to her.

"Baby, daddy didn't mean to scream at mummy and he's very sorry. Mummy and I are fine, okay? We aren't breaking up. I love her and you very, very much and I wouldn't even dream of letting that happen. Okay? You're fine princess, go back to sleep." You hear him say.

He stays there for a few more minutes, stroking her head as she shuts her eyes and falls back asleep. He gets up from his position, walking over to the door when he notices you. He gives you a sad smile before walking out and shutting the door behind him. He grabs your hand and walks you into the bedroom where he has you both sit on the edge of the bed.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for her to walk in during a fight and for her to think we're breaking up. I really do feel bad, I'm sorry. And I'm sorry about going out all the time, I know I need to stop and I really am sorry baby girl. Please forgive me." Niall says, as you watch a tear slip out of his eye.

Niall was never one to cry so this was a shock to you.

"I just don't understand why you're out every night. I understand you want to go out with your friends and you'd rather be with them than your family but you don't even answer my calls or texts." You say, getting upset aswell.

"No baby, I would choose you and Y/D/N over my friends any day. I just got so attached to going out and I really do need to stop going out, I promise I'll improve. I didn't mean to make you feel like you're my second priority, you've always been my first priority and I promised you on our wedding day that you and our children would always be my first priority. I'm sorry baby." Niall says, even more tears slipping out of his eyes and running down his cheeks.

"I'm giving you one more chance Niall. I'm sick of you coming home every single night drunk out of your mind. If you don't improve within the next week, I'm ending this. I just can't do it anymore." You sob.

"I understand princess, I'm so sorry. I promise I will improve." Niall says, pulling you into his chest.

"Thank you." You say as you rest in his arms. 

You sit in that position for a while longer before Niall pulls you so you're both laying down, your head on his chest. His steady breathing and the way he strokes your hair eventually puts you to sleep, releasing all of your worries. 

"I love you so much Y/N, you're my life. Sweet dreams baby girl." Niall whispers and places a kiss to your forehead once you're asleep before he follows suit.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry this is so shit! :( I've honestly been so busy with school and other commitments but I just wanted to get something out for you guys! I feel like I say this in every author's note but I really do feel bad. I'm not updating very often and when I do, it's so shit. 

I'm sorry guys but I hope you liked this and I promise I'll try and get something better out soon! I love you all so much, thank you for continuing to support my book xx

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