Awkward Christmas Day

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Quick author's note: I wanted to make two versions of this so the next imagine will probably be the same type of thing but with just the two of you and your kids :) They'll be two different stories though :) This isn't edited so sorry for any mistakes! x

Request by mnh0826 :) 

Today is Christmas Eve and you were spending Christmas at Niall's house this year in Ireland, but your family was here for the occasion. You were so excited because Christmas was always your favourite time of the year.

This would be the 3rd Christmas you'd be spending with Niall and you couldn't wait for the future ones. It was always great to also be surrounded by his family and yours. They all got along really well and it helped your relationship with Niall tremendously.

Although, this year's Christmas wasn't going as planned so far. You and Niall were in the middle of a heated argument, all about Niall thinking you were cheating on him. All that triggered it was a picture of you and your childhood best friend in a grocery shop when you were back in LA. Although Niall had never met him, you still expected him to believe you.

The photo was you cuddling into him as you exited the store, the only reason for that being him protecting you from the paparazzi because he knew you got nervous and scared around them. Your best friend was also gay and no romantic feelings were ever shared between the two of you, it was just friendship.

"Why the fuck would you cheat on me? So much for Christmas being a fucking happy time of the year, it definitely isn't when you find out your girlfriend of 3 years is fucking cheating on you." Niall screams at you.

"Niall, why can't you understand that I wasn't cheating on you? Why is it so hard to understand? How could you even think I'd do that if you know I love you with every fucking thing I am." You yell back.

"Do you though Y/N? Because if you did, you're not showing it very well." Niall yells back at you, however you don't back down.

"Niall, I'm not fucking cheating on you! Get it through that thick skull of yours and don't make this Christmas miserable. He was my childhood best friend and I was catching up with him because I haven't seen him for years. I was cuddled up to him because I was scared of the paparazzi." 

"Bullshit!" Niall screams. "You're such a slut, I don't even know why I wasted my time with you." He continues, breaking you.

"I can't believe you'd even think I would do that." You say, tears threatening to spill at the name. "I'm going to sleep, I don't need this. I want to make Christmas special and you're definitely not helping. Goodnight." You say, tears escaping your eyes as you storm up to the guest bedroom where your parents were sleeping and tonight, where you were sleeping.

Thankfully everyone was asleep when your fight occurred and it wasn't loud enough to wake anyone.

You didn't need this drama though and you wanted to make Christmas as special as possible so whether it included him being there or not, you didn't care. When you quietly got up to the guest bedroom, you slid under the covers of the single bed and waited until you heard Niall go to his bedroom.

 You heard him turn off the light and you slid out of the covers, walking over to the bag you kept in the bedroom full of gifts. You took it downstairs, carefully taking the wrapped presents out and placing them under the tree. You had gifts for your parents, Niall's parents, Greg, Denise, Theo and obviously, Niall.

Once they were laid out nicely, you walked back to the bedroom, sliding under the covers once again. You tried to find sleep, but all you could think about was the fight with Niall. All you could hope was that things would blow over in the morning.

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