Baby Girl

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Request by the1dgirligirl :) Hope you like it! *Not edited*

"Oouchh, shit!" You scream, squeezing Niall's hand even harder as your baby girl is being pushed out of you. This is the worst pain you'd ever been in, like you expected, but you were willing to put up with it because you knew as soon as your daughter was here, it'd be all worth it.

"C'mon Princess, you can do it. A few more pushes and she'll be here." Niall encourages. "Squeeze my hand as tight as you need baby."


You'd just given birth to a healthy, beautiful little girl and you couldn't be happier. She was such a blessing and both you and Niall adored her like nothing before.

She was Niall's prized possession. He was so protective over her even though she'd only been bought into the world a few hours ago. As soon as she was taken off of you immediately after her birth to get checked out, Niall was following the nurses to the other side of the room, making sure they didn't hurt her.

When you found out you were pregnant, you were hoping for a girl that would be daddy's little girl, and had your sassy personality but looked like Niall. You would've been happy either way, but you hoped for a girl and that's what you got. When you did find out the gender, Niall went shopping straight away, buying almost the whole of the baby shop for her.

"She's so beautiful princess, I'm so blessed to have both of you. Thank you for blessing me with the greatest gift of all." Niall says as he sits beside you, looking down at your girl before more tears escape his eyes.

"Awww, Ni, don't cry baby." You say, smiling as you get emotional too.

"I can't help it." He pathetically laughs. "She's such a blessing and I just can't believe she's finally here. She's so perfect." He says, whispering the last sentence as his fingers go to softly caress your baby's cheek.

"You're so perfect mini princess. I'm so in love with you already and you better alway's be daddy's girl, yeah?" He says to the little one, laughing as he speaks to the unresponsive treasure.

"You're going to be a great father, Ni. I can't wait for our kids to grow up and look to you as their hero." You say, your eyes watering again as you think about that idea.

"I hope so. You're going to be the best mother." He smiles, looking over at you.

"We're so cheesy." You laugh.

"That's what makes our relationship interesting, princess." He smiles again. He's full of smiles today understandably, as are you.

"Mmh." You agree.

"Go to sleep beautiful, you need some rest." Niall says.  I'll put her to sleep too." He continues, referring to his daughter in his arms.

"Okay Ni, don't leave me." You say, your eyes closing as you fall asleep.

"Wouldn't dream of it, baby." He says, leaning over to place a kiss on your forehead.


You're suddenly awoken by a baby's cries and as you look over to the baby bed and realise it's your daughter, your smile grows so wide.

"Shhh mini princess, don't want to wake Mummy up, do we?" Niall whispers to your daughter as he races over to pick her up. He calms her down immediately, something that astounds you. He's already such a great father.

"You're such a great father already Ni." You speak up as you continue to stare at Niall holding your precious bundle.

"Yeah?" He smiles, looking over to see you're awake. "I've never heard a more beautiful sound than her cry." He laughs.

"Mmh, it's definitely a good sound until it's waking us up in the middle of the night for the next 4 years." You laugh.


You're just about to leave the hospital now, having been there for 3 days. Niall was just about to put her 'going home outfit' on and then you were leaving.

For the outfit, you both chose to dress her in a white onesie, reading "mummy and daddy's little girl" on the top of it in pink, and a pair of pink leggings to go over it. You also put on a pink beanie to keep her head warm and some frilly pink socks. 

Once she was dressed, you made sure you packed everything up and put your baby girl in her car seat carrier. 

This was the part you and Niall were most nervous for. You knew there were paps outside of the hospital, waiting for the both of you to showcase your baby but you wanted to protect her with everything you had. Because of this, Niall asked 3 of his security guards to be around you, him and your baby just in case something happened as you exited the building. 

Once you were in the reception, you waited for the security to come and you could already see the paps waiting outside to snap as many pictures of you as they could. However, they weren't getting anything from you because your baby girl was fully covered as she lay in her carrier.

The security guards finally arrive, them signalling to stay close and in between them.

"Alright guys, Niall, you carry her and we'll have two of us in front of you and her. Y/N, stay right next to him and I'll stand behind you, yeah? Stay close." Basil says, getting you ready to leave.

You didn't want to cause such a drama in the reception but you could already see paps there and you didn't want to take any risks.

"You ready?" One of the guards say to you.

"I think so." Niall replies.

"Alright, let's go. Stay close and don't go near them." The guard replies, ushering you out of the building. 

Two of the guards extend their arms over Niall and you and the others pays close attention getting you to where you need to be.

"Back off, please guys." Basil says towards the paps.

'Niall, how's the baby buddy?'

'Y/N, how was delivery?'

'What's the baby's name guys? C'mon spill the juice.' 

They were just some of the questions you heard getting yelled at you as you walked towards the car.

 When you got to the car, the guard opened the door as Niall struggled a bit putting the carrier in, but when he did, he made sure it was safe before closing the door as a guard stayed at the door and he got in the backseat with you. You locked the doors as soon as you were both in and Basil drove you back to your house, ready to spend forever with your daughter.

This was so bad, I'm sorry! I was doing well for a few days and then I think I just lost all creativity :( but I hope you semi-enjoyed this :)

ANYWAY, DID YOU GUYS SEE NIALL'S TWEET? HE SAID HE HAD A CHEST INFECTION THE OTHER DAY BUT NOW HE'S SAYING IT'S WORSE. MY POOR BABY, I HOPE HE'S OKAY AND I FEEL SO BAD THAT HE'S NOT WELL ON CHRISTMAS WHEN HE LIKES TO CELEBRATE. I hope he's okay and everyone else in the world who's suffering from something are okay, especially during this season. I love you all xx

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