Auntie Y/N? (Halloween Edition)

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It was currently the day before Halloween and you and Niall were throwing a party at your house. You weren't planning on doing anything for the occasion but just a few days ago, you decided you would.

It was only a small party with the lads, their girlfriends, Niall's family because they had been in London and a few of your friends and Niall's. Unfortunately your family couldn't come because they were on the other side of the world, but you considered Niall's to be your family also.

Out of everyone coming, you were most excited to see Theo. Theo has always loved you since you met him when he was a baby and you started dating Niall.


The decorations were all set up and so was the food, all you needed now was guests. There were pumpkins, ghosts, skulls and hanging decorations all over the house and there were all kinds of halloween treats set up around also.


Niall's family were the first ones to arrive and they were staying over tonight because they would be partying late and Theo needed sleep so you decided that would be the best option.

"Hi guys!" You say as they arrive.

"Hi!" They all greet you before you move aside to let them in.

They arrived a few hours before everyone else was supposed to get there so you took them into the living room and just had a chat and a few laughs.

Everyone was now talking and Theo was sitting on your lap, Niall next to you. As everyone was laughing at something Maura said, Theo started to speak up.

"Y/N, can I call you my auntie Y/N please?" He says as he turns to face you. In that moment, your smile couldn't get any wider.

You look to Niall and his smile is so wide also, as he looks at you with adoration. You look around the room and notice they've all stopped talking and are staring at you.

"Of course you can, buddy! She's going to be your auntie soon enough." Niall replies for you as you stay speechless. Your smile gets even wider and you hug Theo so close to you.


Later on, the lads and their girlfriends arrive and so do yours and Niall's friends. You partied the night away, drank too many drinks and ate too much food. Overall though, it was one of the best nights you've had in a long time.

Theo asking to call you 'Auntie Y/N' made it so much more special though. He's such a precious boy and so sweet. You're so blessed to have Niall and his family.


"Bye Auntie Y/N! I'll miss you!" Theo pouts as he's in your arms saying goodbye.

"Bye Theo! Don't be sad, we'll see you again soon. I think around Christmas because Uncle Niall and I are coming back to Ireland just to see you." You say, tickling his stomach.

"Ok. Promise?" He says excitedly but he still wears a pout on his face.

"I promise sweetheart. We'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too Auntie Y/N." He says as you hand him off to Niall, giving him one last kiss on the forehead.

"Bye buddy. I'll see you soon, alright?" Niall says to Theo.

"Auntie Y/N said at Christmas. Is that true?" Niall beams at the 'auntie' bit.

"Of course buddy, we're coming just to see you." He says, also giving him one last kiss and placing him in his car seat.

You watch and wave as they drive away, so content with life right now. You've had a great night, you have an incredible boyfriend, a supportive in-law family and an incredible hopefully soon-to-be nephew in-law.

"Auntie Y/N, huh?" Niall smirks as you head back inside.

"Mhm, Theo's such a precious boy. I love him so much." You blush.

"You're so cute. Hopefully soon you really will be his auntie." Niall says, hugging you tightly and placing a kiss on your lips.

I'm so sorry for not updating in ages and for this being so short! I really just don't have much motivation now because I feel like my writing has gotten so much shittier and I really am sorry! I've also been super busy with exams :( I just thought I'd get something out for Halloween! Happy Halloween for tomorrow to everyone who celebrates it and if you don't, I hope you still have a fabulous day!

Also, please, if you're out in the US or Australia trick of treating or handing out candy, please be careful of any clowns. I know a lot of it's a joke but some are actually really dangerous! So stay safe regardless.

I hope you enjoy this one though (please vote and comment :)) and I'll try and get another one out soon, but it'll probably also be shitty :) I love you guys xx

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