Leaving for Tour

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It was the night before Niall left for tour, and you started getting upset, knowing he'd be leaving you for a while.

Baby, do you have to go?" You plead, with puppy dog eyes.

It was that time of the year again, where Niall had to leave for tour. It was always a really hard time for you both. You would occasionally visit him on tour, but you also went to school to provide for yourself, and follow your dreams just like him.

"I'm sorry my love. You know this is hard for me too but it's my job and I have to go. I'll miss you so much, but we'll see each other soon. I promise. You know you can visit me any time you want, I'll get everything and organised and paid for, but I know you want to go to school and follow your own dreams. I'll miss you so much, but you know I'm always coming back to this place. I'll never leave you. I'm always going to look for your face at the airport, no one elses. You're my one and only forever baby." He says, making you realise why you really fell in love with him.

He's so amazing, and no matter how tough a situation is, he can always seem to make it better. He reassured you everything was going to be fine, and in the end, it always was.

The next day when Niall boarded the plane, he made it a lot easier reassuring you it would only be a matter of time until you reunited again.

You were the luckiest girl in the world to have Niall and no matter what you go through, you'll fight like hell to keep him and make him happy. He deserve more than the world.

He's Niall Horan.

So, I hope you guys liked this! I've been getting so many reads so Thankyou so much! I've gotten around 4.5k! And I'm so happy. I love everyone who reads this.

Also a special thank you to hiitsmichelle ! She inspired me to write these, so without her, none of this would've happened! Thankyou Michelle :) and good luck with all of your finals!

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