Award Show Fight

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Part 100 finally yay! I know I've done a lot of fighting imagines recently but I love them, ngl, so here's another one :P this is unedited by the way :|

It was early morning but you'd just gotten into another fight with Niall about him not helping out around the house and he didn't take it too well. Today was the day of the BRITs and Niall was planning on going with you, but you don't think you're going anymore.

"I have to work Y/N, unlike you. I'm sorry I don't help around the house but I have to provide for both of us and keep this house." Niall screams at you.

"I'm just asking for a little bit of help." You say softly, flailing your arms around.

"I do help Y/N! I do help! Just leave me alone and stop nagging me. I don't want to see you and you're not coming with me tonight. Stay home and clean if you want it cleaned so badly." He says, storming out of the room and into your shared bedroom.

He came back 10 minutes later, a bag packed.

"Where are you going?" You say.

"I'm getting ready somewhere else." He simply states, walking out the front door. You hear the car engine start and the sound soon fade away as you realise he left and that's when the tears start to fall.

What can you say? The fight was stupid but it was necessary because you only asked for a little bit of help and he couldn't do it. You understand he's busy and provides for the both of you while you're studying at uni but doing the dishes once a week wouldn't hurt.

You're sat on the couch with a tv show playing in the background but you're too busy focused on your phone in front of you.

'You better be ready when I come and pick you up .' You suddenly get a text from Niall.

'I'm not going.' You quickly reply.

'Yes you fucking are . What am I supposed to say at interviews ? Sorry my fuckin girlfriend was too busy cleaning the house .' You get a text back.

'No, tell them the truth. "She's at home because I told her I didn't want her to come because she asked me to do one thing around the house."' You sass.

'Fuckin get ready'.

You stay sat on the couch, checking your twitter mentions and some of the photos you've been tagged in on Instagram. You like and comment on a few posts before getting bored and turning to watch the TV.

You fall asleep but are awoken by a door being slammed. You sit up, seeing suited up Niall storm in the room and his eyes widen.

"Why aren't you ready?" He says loudly.

"I told you I'm not going." You say.

"And I told you that you are. Get up." He says.

You give in, only because you know if you don't go, Niall won't tell anyone the truth and you'll be bombarded with hate.

"Fine, but I'm doing this so I can avoid getting all the hate like usual. Don't think I'm doing this for you." You say, pushing past him and going into the bedroom.

You shut the door, locking it so Niall can't come in. You walk over to your closet where you have your brand new dress boxed up that Niall still hasn't seen. You pull it out of the box, laying it on the bed. You walk into your bathroom, turning your curler on and going back into the bedroom to get your makeup ready.

You apply a natural makeup look, almost like a prom look. Then, you walked back into the bathroom, pulling out your hair and brushing through it before leaving a part out on the side and curling the rest. You braid the small part you left and put the rest of the curled hair into a ponytail (picture at the top). It was very simple but one of your favourite hairstyles to do and it didn't look too casual.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now