
4.4K 70 8

You're lying in bed with Niall one day, thinking about how you two met, and how grateful you were to be pulled into a bush, by a stranger who means the absolute world to you now.


You walked out of the coffee shop after your daily coffee, and you were bombarded with screams. So many teenage girls running towards you. You didn't know what was going on, but you continued to stroll down the street, before making a left and going on your way home.

When you turned the left, suddenly you were grabbed by someone and bought into a bush. You tried to scream, but it came out as a muffled scream because the person holding you was covering your mouth.

"Please don't scream. I'm Niall Horan, nice to meet you". You stood there in shock, not knowing if it was actually him.

"Oh, um h-hi. (Y/N), nice to meet you too. I'm a huge fan! I'm guessing that's what all the screams were for?"

"Yup. I'm sorry about this but if people find me, then I'll never be able to get out of here and I didn't want people following you." He chuckled.

*end of flashback*

Never in your wildest dreams, would you think this would happen to you, however you're extremely grateful to have your blonde, Irishman with you.

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I know I rarely ever update but I've been so busy with exams and assignments. I'll try to update more now, because I finished my last exam today!

I know this isn't great, and it's really short but I had to get something up for you guys! Also I have some drafts and more imagines coming soon!

I literally whipped this right up on the spot and it's around 11pm and I have school tomorrow! So have a good night/morning wherever you are! Xx

(I'm almost at 1.8k reads aswell so THANKYOU guys so much! Xx)

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now