Sunday Morning

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Your POV

Sunday morning, sleep in day! I look to my left and see the clock flashing 9:30. I'm surprised our little one isn't jumping on our bed yet.

I look to my right and see Niall still sleeping peacefully. I love watching him sleep, as creepy as that sounds, but he looks so free from the world. It's an amazing sight. To add to the sight, he doesn't wear a shirt to sleep so that's an extra view, right? I softly chuckle at the thought of how proud he is of his chest hair. Gosh, that boy is a strange one.

Obviously my soft chuckle wasn't soft enough, because seconds later I see Niall stir in his sleep before he's opening one eye to look straight at me. His blue eyes are so captivating and always make my heart flutter when he looks straight into mine.

Niall's POV

I hear that melodious chuckle that I've always loved hearing before I slowly start to open one eye and look at my beautiful wife.

"Mornin' beautiful." I say, with a raspy voice considering I just woke from my deep slumber.

"Morning Ni, how'd you sleep?" She asks. Her voice is so beautiful and she still looks like an angel when she's just woken up.

"I slept great, I love having you in my arms. How 'bout you baby?"

"I slept great too, I love being in your arms. You make me feel so safe and loved. I love you so much." She says. How am I so lucky to have her?

"I love you more than you'll ever know baby." I smile.

"I love you so much." She smiles back, before leaning in to give me a kiss.

"The little one hasn't come in yet?" I ask, surprised.

"Nope, she's probably still asleep." She replies, cutely.

I smile at the thought of my baby girl. She looks so much like her mum, but she has my eyes. She's so beautiful.

"I love you." I say.

"I'm in love with you and all these little things. You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you, and you'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to..." I begin singing in her ear, make her blush furiously. I laugh. She's so beautiful and  I love how I can still make her blush after being married and all.

Just as I lean into to kiss my perfect wife again, our mini princess runs in and jumps on our bed.

Gosh, I love both of my girls so much.

{Author's Note}

This one is almost how I had the original one, because I decided to keep the ending, because I thought it was too adorable to delete! Imagine him singing in your ear, ugh! That'd be so cute :')

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this one :)

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