Chapter 3: Hard day after the next

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The day Bryan left for college was the worst. We were in his room packing boxes and taking them one by one to the car.

"Why do you look so sad baby?" Bryan asked.

"You're leaving tonight and I'm leaving tomorrow, why should I be happy?"

"Be happy because we get to go to college and you get to start something new in your life." Bryan said.

"Yay, something new without my boyfriend, going to school with no one I know and the only person I know being my ex boyfriend." I said sarcastically.

Bryan stopped packing his stuff and walked over to me.

"Come here." He said in his cute little voice.

He pulled me close to him and tightened his grip around my. I heard his heart beat in that same perfect rhythm. I couldn't hate him or the situation anymore, I was going to make the best of our last day together.

We got done packing his car, he leaned against the driver door and again pulled me close to him. He grabbed me by my hips and kissed me. I ran my hands under his shirt and felt his almost perfect wash board stomach. Kissing Bryan made the world make sense. Him being almost an hour away seemed like a punishment, but at least we had phones and Skype.

"You're an amazing girl, who is super smart and is crazy hot, you'll be a hit at college." He said with his silly little grin on his face

"I hope you're right Bryan, I just don't want to do it without my hot, smart boyfriend." I said

"Well your hot, smart boyfriend has to go to college to play baseball or he will lose his scholarship." He said with a laugh.

"I know he does, I'm proud of him for it." I said.

I dug my face into his chest and hugged him as hard as I could. I didn't want to let him go, if only summer could only be a few more weeks longer. I watched him drive off as he headed down road, the further he went the farther my heart sank. I drove back home that afternoon and finished packing my stuff for college. Knowing I had the last of it packed I drove over to the campus and moved in. I had technically moved in a week ago but stayed with Bryan the past week since campus was only 10 minutes from my house.

My roommate was there when I got into the room. Her name was Katie, she was from North Carolina and was here playing volleyball. She was nice, wasn't very loud and because the team traveled a good amount of the time we barely saw one another. I laid in my bed that night, staring at a picture of me and Bryan. I just couldn't help but miss him.


My alarm went off bright and early at 8am the next morning. It was the first day of classes and something that seemed exciting wasn't so much too me. I got dressed, I wore shorts and one of Bryan's t-shirts. I made sure it was one with his name on the back of it. I liked to show off that I was his, no one else's, but, his shirts also smelled like him and gave me comfort. I felt safe in them.

I walked around campus, looking for the some building with the name of either some old dead guy or some rich live one that gave a lot of money to the school. After searching for over 20 minutes I finally found it. I went to the third floor where my class was. It was almost like high school, only it was a giant lecture hall that had 200 seats compared to the 23 that high school class rooms had. I found a seat semi in the middle and sat silently by myself, checking my phone every two minutes to see if Bryan had texted me since his cute good morning text... Sadly he hadn't.

Sitting there for a few minutes, a person swooshed behind me and sat next to me, it was Derek.

"Wow I didn't think my day could go better, now you're here" I said sarcastically.

"I see you're wearing one of his shirts, must be trying to tell people who don't even know him that you are his huh?" he said with a mocking tone. "I remembered you use to wear my name on you everywhere, must miss that right?" he said

"No frankly I don't much miss it, see with Bryan I don't have to worry about silly little hoes coming out of the wood works saying they slept with him because he said he was a single guy." I snapped back at him.

"Just see how long that last." he said

Before I could respond to his remark our teacher started to talk and it was time for class. I sat and took notes, but what Derek had said bugged me. What if Bryan does the same thing? What if he got bored of me and wanted fun on his road trips. Either I was really over thinking or Derek had gotten to me out of his own petty jealous.

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