Chapter 7: Fearless night

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Things had gotten better with Derek and I had pretty much forgotten about the pain I had over Bryan, he wouldn't even text me back even though I know I didn't deserve it. It didn't hit me how much I was going to miss Bryan until I was packing his stuff I had of his to give back to him. I took all photos I had of us down and threw them away and deleted all our photos out of my phone, I didn't want to remember how much I had hurt him. I packed the rest of the stuff up and sent it back to his home address and then like that Bryan was out of my life.

I got to my room after one of my late classes and found a note on the door, it had my name on it and I opened it to find a message;

Don't plan to do anything tonight I'm taking you out tonight, get all dressed up and stuff too. Meet me at my room at 8pm -- D

I smiled laughing at the fact that his note writing hadn't gotten better all these years that I had known him. Looking at my phone I realized it was already 7 so I had to get ready, which meant finding Becca and having her pick something out for me. She came knocking on my door ready to go and seemed overly excited, I was like the little sister she had never had so I understood.

"Oh my gosh I found it! I don't know where you got this put it is perfect! She said holding up a little black dress I had gotten for a sports award last year. 

So I put on the dress sprayed a little perfume on and let Becca do my make up and hair, which she did a really good job with. I looked at myself in the mirror and was amazed how much of a girl Becca had made me into. I felt almost like a full grown women, I looked like an adult and I for once felt beyond confident. 

"Girl you'll be getting it in tonight!" Becca joked and hugged me "Good luck tonight girly" she said as I turned to leave.

I got down to Derek's room and knocked on the door, the butterflies in my stomach were getting bad but they were the good butterflies not the bad kind. The door opened and there stood Derek, all dressed up suit and all, which he looked amazing in.

"Hello, you look gorgeous" he said letting me in.

He had turned his room mini table for two, candles on the table and all.

"I hope you hadn't eaten yet because I planned us a dinner" he said

"No actually I hadn't I had just gotten out of class" I said with a smile

"Well please do sit" he said pulling out my chair.

I thanked him and sat down. He sat across from me and clapped his hands and his roommate and  and other friend appeared dressed as waiters and with food each setting down the plates in front of us and left.

"You went to a lot of planning to do this didn't you?" I asked him, still in shock of how amazing the whole thing was.

"Why yes I did" he said chuckling with that cute smile that I loved.

"I just hope you like it" he said

"Derek I love it, it's something I never thought you would do" I said.

"Well there is one other thing" he said

he got up from his chair and walked over to his desk and turned on his Ihome and it started playing a slow song like the ones you dance to at prom and came back to me and held out his hand.

"May I have a dance with you?" he asked

"Of course you can" I said taking his hand

He pulled me in close and in the tiny space left in his dorm we slow danced. I rested my head on his chest and didn't want that moment to end. It was perfect as we danced slowly he explained how he had come up with the whole idea and how he got his teammates to play along. This moment was a state of pure happiness. I looked up at Derek,

"Thank you, I really love this and it means the world to me that you care so much about me." I said

"You're welcome, I thought you needed a night like this after all the crap I've put you through" he said.

We had the whole room to ourselves the rest of the night and oddly enough we spent it cuddling which made everything better. We talked and laughed and I finally started feeling close enough to Derek again that him being a boyfriend again might work again.

We woke up the next morning and everything seemed perfect again, we walked to class and I thought maybe dating would be a good idea.

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