Chapter 6: A Familiar Light

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Tuesday morning rolled around and I was still laying in my bed, feeling worse than I had the day before. I had only gotten up to eat and I didn't even leave my room to do that. All I did was lay in bed thinking about what I had done and how mad Bryan had gotten about it. I had a great guy and I ruined it all my first weekend in college.

That evening I heard a knock on the door and it opened, I rolled over and found Derek.

"Are you okay? I haven't seen you in awhile." he said

"I hate you so much, you're the reason all of this shit happened!" I said angry

"Whoa, hold up, I didn't make you do anything you did all of that on your own will I didn't make you do anything" he said.

I stared at him and knew he was right, he hadn't made me cheat, that was all on me and I couldn't change what I had already done.

"Come down to the cafe with me and talk, you missed class anyway you need to get some notes. Also you need to eat." Derek said reaching his hand out.

I took his hand and climbed down from my loft. I looked at him with a weird look wondering why now he decided to act like a prince and being all nice to me. I changed my clothes and pulled back my hair and went down to the cafe with Derek hoping things would at least feel better.

We sat there in silence for a little while, I poked at my food a little but barely felt like eating any of it but I forced it down just to avoid having to talk to him. Derek finally broke the silence.

"So... You and Bryan broke up huh?" he asked

"Yeah and he was so hurt when I told him" I said

"Yeah I thought he would be, are you okay though?" he asked

"No, I hate myself for doing it to him, he was so hurt and I told myself I would never do that to him Derek. Bryan was amazing to me and really cared about me and I messed it all up in one night with you" I said

"Well... I'm sorry..." he said his voice filled with guilt. "I didn't mean to, its just..."

"What Derek?" I asked "You just couldn't leave me and Bryan to be happy with each other" I said, people starting to look at us.

"Because I still love you" he said

I stared at him, stunned at what he had said.

"I'm sorry okay, I just still love you a lot and cheating on you was the biggest mistake I had made and I kept wanting to try again" he explained

"I didn't know that..." I said

We continued to eat and talked about the stuff I missed in class. After, we walked back to our floors, but before I got on to the elevator something came over me and the feeling of not wanting to be alone and I got off at Derek's floor with him.

"What are you doing?" he asked

"I don't want to be alone, please can I just stat with you? I asked almost ready to cry

"Yeah of course you can" He said

We got to his room and he crawled into bed and looked at me trying to figure out what I might do, the Futon was free but I really didn't want to be alone anymore I wanted to cuddle really. My body went into having a mind of its own and I crawled into his bed right after him. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around is me and for the first time in a week I had felt wanted by someone. Maybe Derek had turned over a new leaf and was a changed man, at this point though, I was happy just staying with him for the night.

Things started to change with him, he would walk me to class and we had study dates in the coffee shop on campus. He wasn't a jerk to me and he didn't party much at all, this was a new Derek I had never seen before. We didn't make anything official, in hopes not to ruin or rush things at all, but I started to have feelings for him again. We had mini make out sessions, and I couldn't help but fall in love with Derek again.

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