Chapter 4: The First college weekend, and the first mistake

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My first week of college had gone semi well. I had only one class with Derek thankfully, liked my other classes and had met a new friend. Becca was in my Communications class. She was a sophomore and played for the softball team. We bonded in class after she saw me wearing a softball shirt from a tournament I went to a year ago or so. Becca was much taller than me, she had bright blond hair and was the girl I wish I was sometimes. Becca had invited me to a party in the dorms that weekend. I decided to go since I had nothing else to really do so maybe it would be some fun.

Friday night came and I was looking through my dresser looking for something that wasn't sweats, Bryan's or jeans. Finally I found something. It was a black skin tight skirt, I matched it with a bright pink crop top. Curled my hair and put a little make up on, might as well go out with some style. I left around 6ish to go up stairs to the party. in the elevator I looked at my reflection on the door, I actually looked good.

I stopped at the 5th floor and the second the doors of the elevator sliced open there was a rush of people around. Noise filled the hall way and my ears, I didn't think you could even fit this many people on to one floor of the dorms. I headed through the crowd of people to Becca's room. She greeted me with a giant smile and hello.

"Hey girly!" she said, I could smell the alcohol on her breathe.

"Hey Becca, nice party." I said

"Well enjoy yourself drinks are in the room next door, but don't get too tipsy." she said with a smile on her face

I thought to myself the irony of her statement, and laughed to myself as she walked away to greet more people.

I walked to the next room and picked up a red solo cup and filled it with a mikes, I wasn't the best drinker. I never liked the taste of alcohol but I liked more so the sugary drinks. Besides I didn't see the fun in getting drunk, hangovers never sounded fun. I walked around a little more and walked to some overly drunk people. I wanted to feel happy, I was happy to not be alone in my dorm doing nothing. However I missed Bryan and I hadn't heard from him in over a day. I saw all the happy people having a good time, but I couldn't stop thinking about Bryan. 

Suddenly I felt someones arms around my waist and startled I turned around to find Derek, that same stupid smug look on his face.

"Hi cutie, how are you." he said

"What do you want Derek?" I asked

"Jeez what are you in such a bad mood for? It's a party, be happy." he said

I just looked at him.

"Oh right you're little boyfriend Bryan isn't here, he is out at his own parties at his own school." He said.

"Shut up Derek" I said as I walked towards the door.

"Hey now, I was just kidding, I'm sorry" he said following me.

He grabbed my hand to stop me, turning me around and pulling me closer to him.

"I'm sorry, I mean it. come on, lets go some where we can actually hear each other talk." he said and we went up to his room a few floors down.

"Make yourself comfortable, do you want something to drink?" he said as we got into his dorm

"No, I'm good thanks" I said as I sat down on his futon.

He came over to the futon and sat down next to me. We sat in silence for a little bit, awkward eye contact between us. Derek finally broke the silence between us.

"You miss him huh?" He asked

"Yeah, he hasn't texted me in a few days, guess he is just busy." I said

"That sucks" he said

"Yeah it does a lot" I said as I held back tears, yet I was pretty sure Derek knew I had tears in my eyes.

"Hey now it's okay, don't cry." he said as he put his arm around me and I let my head lay on his chest.

We sat there for a little as I quietly let out my tears about Bryan being gone. I couldn't be mad at Derek at the moment, he was being nice. I dug my face from his chest and our eyes met, and out of no where we kissed...


The next morning I woke up, Dereks arm was wrapped around me. I had realized what we had done, I started to feel really guilty about it. I just laid there staring at the celling feeling bad. Dereks roommate walked in.

"Guess you got over that old boy pretty quick now didn't you? He chuckled.

I ignored him and laid there. Derek must have been pretty hung over because noon came around and he was still sleeping. I got up without waking him up. I didn't want to have to slink back into my skirt so I grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from Dereks dresser and went down to the cafe. I got a coffee and thought about what I had done. I didn't see Derek the rest of the weekend, he was even MIA Monday morning for our class.

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