Chapter 11: The Never Ending Down Fall Pt. 1

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The semester was coming to an end and us baseball and softball players were looking forward to going on our first games of the season where we would get to go to either California or Florida to play teams from up north. Yet, after our last tea practice we found out that the boys were going to California and we were going down to Florida. That set me back a little, I thought I would get to spend all of Christmas break with Derek but now I would get the week of Christmas and then we would have to leave one another for a week and be over 2,000 miles apart. A blow to my perfect plan, but it was only a week I guess I could make it.

When I got out of my last exam I went back to my dorm room and packed a bag of things for the week stay at home. I got my stuff packed up said good bye to my roommate and headed to Dereks dorm so we could go home. Me and Derek didn't live ery far from one another only about 5 minutes but some how we went to different high schools. I was staying the week with Derek since leaving him for a week just seemed to much, also I was curious if we could be around each other for a week without killing one another. 

"Hey sweetheart are you ready to get going?" Derek said.

"Mhm, I need a break from school so badly." I said laughing.

"I know what you mean." He said locking the door and turning to me.

I stood there staring into his smokey goregous brown eyes, and out of nowhere something came over me and I threw my arms around him and kissed him. I was never one to do something like this, but my life was changing a ton and so why not, I liked the change. I pulled away from him and had the look of a deer in the head lights on my face, and of course he said something about it.

"Well, this is a new you... I really like it honestly." He laughed.

I just laughed and let my head fall on to his chest as we both stood there and realized just how odd I was, I guess Derek must have liked it, thankfully.


We had gotten home and I already had a wonderful dinner thanks to Dereks mom, who pretty much treated like her own child. I was treated like family at Dereks house and I really liked it, I was happy I was staying here and not at my house for Christmas break. There was only problem with staying with Derek and that was Dereks brother nate. We sort of liked each other but never dated, he was a year younger than me and Derek. Nate and I were never shy when it came to openly flirting with one another and I secretly did it while me and Derek dated the first time, which I felt bad about but there was something about that boy. However I thought I would keep the flirting with Nate to almost none, me and Derek were perfect I wasn't going to mess it up.

Dinner was the first test, me and Nate kept catching each others eye and it was about an hour of awkward but not really at the same time eye contact. However, I made it through dinner and me and Derek went to watch a movie in the basement where we were probably going to spend our week off. It was nice to just be able to lay on the couch and watch a movie and not have to worry about school or softball or anything stressful. Derek fell asleep before me, which usually happen thanks to my insomnia. Yet, instead of falling asleep I got up and went upstairs for some reason, there I found Nate sitting at the counter, doing nothing but sitting there. It's like he knew I was still up and was going to come up.

"Hey what's up?" He asked.

"Not much, why are you still up don't you have school tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I figured talking to you would be more fun, you couldn't stop glancing at me at dinner tonight I figured you would still be up, I have that sense about you." He said smug, getting up and moving closer to me.

"First off, I wasn't trying to glance at you." I said 

"Mhm sure, if you say so, but you know our track record and we sure didn't let your relationship with my brother effect us before." He said know standing in front of me, pushing me up against the wall.

I felt his warmth and the smell of his old spice filled my nose, god I loved that smell so much. His hands found themselves wrapped around my waist, mine followed his forearm and rested on his muscles and a sense of worry fell over me but my body did nothing, it just let this go on and didn't run away like it should have.

"This time is different though Nate, we are actually not flirting with others, we are being fully truthful to one another." I said

"You do understand the only reason you two are together is because you slept with his best friend after getting drunk one night." He said.

"So, I know that isn't perfect and all but I'm not doing that to Derek I'm not hurting him like I did Bryan. I said.

He did one of those little under the breath laughs.

"I remember the reason you liked me in the first place was because I wasn't a little punk like my brother. I'm rough and you liked that last time I remembered." He said.

At that moment his hands moved up from my waist to my arms and his grasp got harder and started to hurt a little. He pushed me closer to the wall and now my back was flat against the wall. I tried to get out of his grasp but he was much stronger. We sat there for a minute just staring at one another, the air got thicker and a part of me felt a bit scared.

"What do you want Nate?" I asked.

"I don't honestly know, I guess this..."

Then he kissed me. Everything that felt so wrong in that moment, sort of felt right. His grasp loosened and the little pain in my arm went away. After the whole ordeal was done we stared at one another, anger grew in my eyes and hate grew inside of what Nate had just done and that I had let him do it. Out of nowhere I slapped him, and pretty hard. His head stayed turned in the direction that I had slapped it. Then, suddenly he snapped and things got really scary.

"What the fuck!" He said, his voice louder as he slammed me against the wall and raised his hand up, ready to hit me ---

"Nathan what in the hell are you doing!" a voice yelled at him.

It was Nates dad and he pulled Nate away from me and started yelling at him more, Derek who was also woken up by Nate slamming me against the wall came to me and wrapped his arms around me. 

"Derek take Erin down stairs." his dad said.

Down stairs I sat down on the couch and just stared at the ground. I didn't want to tell Derek what had happened, tears just grew in my eyes and I wanted this to all be a bad dream that I could just wake up from, but it wasn't and so I just let it out. Tears rolled down my face and Derek sat nect me, he didn't say anything, he just held me and that was all I needed. I didn't tell Derek what had happened, his dad told him Nates story, which he said it was his fault and we stayed away from one another for the rest of break. I just wanted to go to Florida to play games and forget about that awful night in the kitchen between me and Nate.

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