Chapter 10: The increasing high

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"Class today we are going to go over what communications meant back in the 50's" the teacher said walking down to the front of the large lecture room.

Classes had started back up again and now we were all looking forward to winter break, which included two weeks off from school and being able to once again sleep in until noon and get away with it. It also however meant that Derek would be busy playing baseball all the way in Florida while I was stuck at home hanging out by myself, until I came up with a brilliant plan and all the pieces fell together.

"Becca when are tryouts for softball walk ons?" I said turning to her.

"This week, why? Oh my gosh are you going to try out?" she said excited and getting a "shh" from the teacher as she went back to lecturing.

"Yeah, I was. I miss playing and it means me and you can hang out more. Also I get to be around Derek more which is a plus." I said smiling.

"Well I'll come get you tomorrow before they start and we can go over together." she said. "What position do you play? We really need some more pitchers."

"I catch and play first that is all I was taught to do, but I mean I'll play anywhere you want to put me." I told her.

"Okay, I'll talk to our coach tomorrow and I'll tell her you are coming, she will absolutely love you. Didn't you say you batted .389 in high school?" she said

"Yupp that was the one thing I can do with no problem is hit" I explained.

"Great I can't wait, this is going to be so much fun." she said with a big smile on her face.

I thought this would be great too, for one I could play the game that I really loved again after thinking I had to give it up. I could make more friends who had my interests, and I would always have Becca right there with me which was the biggest perk in my mind, even over Derek. Even then though, I would get to be around Derek more since we didn't have any classes together in the spring semester. 

Class got over and I headed back to the dorms to tell Derek about my plan about playing college softball and how it meant a ton of great things. While walking though I started to think about us, and how I felt about him now even after all the stuff we had been through. We started dating and jumped into things really fast, and I did trust him way more than I probably should have. He was the first healthy relationship I had in a really long time. I guess I was really just blinded by love, I didn't think there was any bad in him, yet there was. Yet, maybe now things were looking up, we weren't fighting all the time like we were at the end of our first relationship and we were actually enjoying each other now.

I got up to Dereks room and found him sitting on the futon doing school work.

"Hey babe guess what?" I said rushing over to him and sitting next to him.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I might get to play softball again." I told him.

"Really? That would be great!" he exclaimed.

"Mhm, it means me and Becca can hang out more, we can hang out more, and I might actually make more friends with the same interests as me." I said my excitement had come out bursting.

"Well I'm happy for you babe, I know you miss playing and all." he said and kissed me.

I started to think Derek had changed, he was supportive and was back to the guy I had fallen in love with. Before him I didn't much want to try my luck at love again, love was dangerous to me and would only get me hurt, but Derek showed me different. Well for awhile, but I chucked up our problems to the fact that we rushed into things way to quick and stuff. Yet for now Derek was being that caring guy that I had fallen in love and I loved it. I fell asleep next to Derek as he did homework, I woke up and excitement came over me when I realized it was try out day.

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