Chapter 12: The Never Ending Down Fall Pt. 2

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I got through the rest of the week staying clear of Nate and just staying in the basement with Derek until we had to go back to campus and get ready to leave for the start of the season which I really wanted to come after the whole mess with Nate. Me and Derek drove back to campus the night before we were to leave. I sat in my dorm room packing stuff up, a million different things ran through my mind and I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I kept seeing that scene in my head, I kept feeling being slammed into the wall and seeing the anger in Nates eyes as he raised his hand, and then it was over like that. For a split second Nate was ready to hit me and not even think about it, for the sake of myself I just pushed it all to the back of my mind.

 I heard a knock at my door and I went to open it and found Derek standing there with a big smile on his face and something seemed up.

"Hi..." I said with a little wondering in my voice.

"I have something for you." He said, his voice soft as if he had been screaming and lost his voice.

He reached into his pocket and pulled something out in a gripped fist. I thought to myself, this all seemed really familiar to me, but I didn't stop him. He then got down on one knee and in his hand he had that ring again. The ring that he had when he asked me to marry him two years ago. He finally spoke after what seemed like forever.

"Erin, I know this didn't work out the first time and it was all my fault but this time I really want to try this and make this work. So will you marry me?" He asked

I just stood there silently for a second and then I felt tears, finally of joy, come to my eyes. 

"Oh, Derek, of course I will!" I said falling to my knees to be at his level and wrapping my arms around him.

Thankfully, there was no one else in the dorms to see us, I feel like we always made shows for people since half the time we were either fighting or just being loud. I could see some of his teammates who lived on my floor looking out their door and giggling at us. I dug myself out of him and kissed him. We both stood up and he put the ring on my finger and it fit perfectly just like it had before. It was such a beautiful ring, Derek said it was passed down through his family and that his mom told him to give it t a girl he really loved. It was nice to know that the girl he really loved was me, maybe this would finally work out.


I sat on the bus next to Becca as we headed to Florida. The boys got lucky and got to go out west on an airplane while we got a bus since Florida wasn't as far. I sat there looking out the window watching the road, trees and other cars go by and I thought to myself how lucky I really was. I had gotten a chance to keep playing softball, I had got back together with Derek and we were happy just like we once were before. Nothing could really bring down my mood, until we got to Florida and as a team went out on the town we ran into the school we were to being playing the next day.

The University of South Carolina, and the one person I honestly never wanted to see was the star pitcher for their team. Their star pitcher; Morgan Menton, the girl who hated my guts and Bryans new girlfriend. 

We walked into the restaurant and the first person I saw leaning against the bar ordering a drink was Morgan and the second she turned around she saw me and gave me this look of I want to stab you and rip your eyes out, but then Becca showed up next to me and she smiled as if she didn't want anyone else to know she wanted to kill me. Then all of a sudden she started to walk towards me and Becca and suddenly I got worried that a fight might break out in the middle of this small Mexican restaurant. Yet, I put on a smile and I could hear Becca telling me to play nice and don't start anything.

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