Chapter 13: The Earthquake Strikes

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I laid in bed until I heard the door open and Derek and his roommate walked in. They were back a lot later than the rest of the players and when I got up to see him he looked rough and had a black eye to match his other bumps and brusies.

"Oh my god Derek what happened to you?" I said getting out of bed and going over to him. I reached for his face, but he turned away.

"I'm fine, don't worry about it." he said throwing down his bags and going into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

I turned to Gabe.

"What the hell happened to him?" I asked.

"You know that Bryan kid you use to date? Well he went and talked to him about his new girlfriend cleating you and ruining your season." he explained. "Well that turned into him yelling at the kid and then a fight broke out and not to be biased but D kicked his ass big time." He contiuned.

"He isn't mad at you though so don't worry" He added and headed down stairs to the cafe.

I went and sat on Dereks bed and waited for him to come out of the bathroom and hopefully talk to me. Finally he did, he walked over to me and bear hugged me tighter than he has ever before and I knew he was really upset that Morgan had hurt me and he thought Bryan had something to do with it. He didn't say anything to me we just stood there wrapped in each others arms and as I listened to his heart beat I felt loved and cared about by him.

I helped him clean up his eye and lip and we went down to the cafe to get some food and we talked about our trips and it was nice. I could see us going strong from here on out and I couldn't be happier than I am. Even though I was injuired I felt like for once everything was going to be okay and I could be happy where I was and with my new friends I had a support group.

_______________________________________________________  (End of that school year)

I ended up redshirting my season, which helped my get fully healthy and I didn't lose any time thaty I could play. Me and Derek were still perfect, when I wasn't at rehab or at the home games I was at the ball park watching Derek, usually with Becca at my side as we cheered the boys on.

While packing up my dorm, my roommate had already gone back home, I looked at my bare room and realized, I had a wonderful year. I remembered the first night I got here I was sad and missed Bryan the whole time. Then I met Becca and went to parties and yeah me and Derek didn't end up the best way posibble but it ended up well. I made the softball team and opened new doors and had a great year. I never thought my year would be the way it was but in the end I'm glad it turned up the way it did.

Now that summer was here I was going to enjoy my time with Derek and Becca and enjoy life. You never know where you'll end up in life, so take everyday for what it is worth and enjoy the people who are in your life, I know I will.

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