Chapter 1

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Imagine the second Generation of Harry Potter. Now imagine James knocking over a magical hourglass and turning back time to Harry's sixth year. Welcome to my random fantasy. **DISCLAIMER: IF I OWNED HARRY POTTER, I WOULDN'T BE ON WATTPAD. ENJOY.**

Chapter one

"James, you shouldn't touch that." Teddy's voice was stern. "It's your Dad's."

James rolled his eyes and turned his back to his godbrother. Carefully, he reached for the strange looking hourglass that was on the shelf. Time seemed to freeze when it clattered to the ground, smashing. Lily was walking through the room to the door, her eyes on a book lenghthy in her hands. Rose was talking to Albus and Hugo about why she didn't play Quiddich, and Teddy had just gasped.

They were suddenly in a dingy, dusty, room that needed a good sweeping. Lily was still walking, unaware of what had happened, but heading now straight at a wall. Teddy was looking horrified, Rose, Hugo, and Al the same. James looked around, saw his sister about to run into the wall, and decided to warn her.

"Lily watch -"


"- out."


Lily covered her face where she had hit on the wall, her book tumbling to the ground, and stumbled backwards into James, who fell into Teddy, who smashed into Rose, then Rose into Al, Al into Hugo, and then all six of them fell over, coughing because of the dust that they had upturned.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?" A man was standing over them, looking really angry and pointing his wand at the children. With a gasp, they recognized him.

Rose turned to James, threw him a glare, and snapped, "James Sirius Potter, you complete idiot!"

"WhaddidIdo?" James got up from the ground and stared at the man, a look of surprise and regognition passing his face. "Hey! I know you!"

The man was staring open-mouthed. "Wait - what's your name?"

"James Potter. And you're... Oh, Merlin, Mum's going to kill us," he muttered, his mouth falling open. This man couldn't be him... he couldn't be... Sirius Black. Sirius Black was long dead.

"Us? What do you mean US?" Al exclaimed, his eyes wide with fear. "You, James, this was all your fault!"

"Nuh uh! Lily - er - Lily was the one who walked into the wall!" said James, wincing.

"Yes, and we're magically her because I walked into the wall." Lily rolled her eyes at her brother's stupidity.

"Lily?" Sirius seemed baffled.

"Lily Luna Potter, nice to meet you. Teddy, what are we going to do?!" Lily turned to her godbrother, who was staring at Sirius open-mouthed and seemed incaple of speach until he said shakily but still managed to sound polite,

"Excuse me sir, but would you mind telling me what year it is?" Teddy suddenly looked a bit white.

"1996..." Sirius told them curiously, looking completly confused. He seemed to realize that they were only kids - except Teddy - and weren't a threat, his wand lowered slowly.

"Oh," Teddy said in a small squeaky voice, and went whiter.

"WHAT'S GOING ON IN THERE?!" a man's voice yelled. He came bursting into the room, his wand raised, but stopped short when he saw the group of children. His eyes turned on the Potter children, then back at Sirius. "What's going on?!"

"I know you too!" James exclaimed. "You're Remus Lupin, aren't you?"

"How did you know my name?" he almost growled. "Are you - you're Death Eaters, aren't you? How'd you get in?!"

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