Prologue to Sequel

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The house on the corner was haunted. Everyone on the street knew it. Everyone knew the story of how the family was murdered in that house, a long, long time ago, by an unknown force. All the parents on the block warned their children of it, also knowing about the group of teenagers that had decided to take a look in the house. 


"C'mon, David, you know it's not right in there!" the girl said a bit fearfully, eyeing the mansion that lay, slowly rotting, on the dead end of the street. The yard inhabited a dead apple tree, and the girl imagined that if she stepped a foot into the yard the lifeless grass would crunch beneath her feet. Wild vine was stretched out over the dark wood of the house, as it had greminated over the many years the house had been vacant and settled there. A whispy fog was layered around the block that day, particlarly thick around the house. A crooked and aging sign stood in front of the house that read, 'PRIVATE PROPERTY'.

"What, are you scared, Kelly?" her friend Roy teased, smirking. "It's just an old house - it's so old, maybe we'll find a record player or some junk from the eightys." 

"That's not even funny," said Kelly, snapping at her neighbor then turning back to her older brother, "David, remember when Mom and Dad told us about -" 

"That's just a story, Kelly," said David. "They just wanted to scare us!" 

"Yeah, Kelly, there's probably nothing in there but dust bunnies," said Jenna, Kelly's best friend. "I say we check it out." 

"You do that," said Kelly, glancing at the house again and getting the shivers. "But there's no way I'm going in there." 

"Come on, Roy," said David, waving to his friend and starting to walk, passing the crooked 'DEAD END' sign and Jenna followed suit. 

Kelly watched as they neared the house, swallowing a lump in her throat. There was an odd feeling rising in her stomach; she knew something was wrong with that house. Why didn't they ever listen to her?

Once there had been a family living across from her, a bit closer to that house, and they had a small boy about five. She remembered that the boy had been playing some sort of game, hopping scross the sidewalk on his own, when he accedentally stumbled into the yard... 

Kelly also rememberd that the boy had died a day later. Seemingly out of no where. The family didn't live there anymore. 

Kelly was beginning to get the feeling that someone was watching her in the fog, so turned around and stormed back inside her home. Her parents were gone for the day, so she went up to her room and waited for her friends and brother to come back. 

They didn't. Not after an hour, and Kelly was truly scared. She took out her cellphone and called Jenna; no answer. David didn't pick up either, and she didn't have Roy's number. 

Outside, her neighbor across the street was weeding her garden, so Kelly went out and called, "Sorry, Mrs. Jackson, but have you seen David with two others anywhere?" 

"No, Kelly, dear," said Mrs. Jackson, beginning to frown as she streightened up. "Are you sure he hasn't gone to the skate park? I see him over there quite often." 

"No, that's alright, thank you," Kelly said, fear gripping her as the house caught the corner of her eye. She sat herself down on the front step for a few minutes, and Mrs. Jackson was gone out of her yard when she heard it. 

Kelly heard Jenna scream, then her shreik was cut off horribly fast, and Kelly shot up, her heart raceing. 

With that, Kelly ran barefoot to the house, and stopped short in front of it, fear gripping her pounding heart. She stood there for a moment. 

Kelly had taken no more than a step when she saw a huge flash of green light in one of the windows, and then the front door was swung open with a horiffic creek. 

A short, chubby man with grey-blond hair and a sly grin appeared - he was wearing a cloak, and he reached out a grimy had that held a long brown stick. 

Kelly had no time to run. She couldn't think. Her eyes couldn't even widen before the man exclaimed in a deadly tone, "Aveada Kedavra!" 

And everything was gone. 

~End Flashback~ 

All the people on the block knew of when Kelly Gewn, David Gewn, Roy Sanders, and Jenna Parker had died that night. 

The thing was... no one knew exactly how. 

No one really knew of what lurked inside. 

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