Chapter 6

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They arrived in a random forrest. For a minute it was silent, just everyone starting at each other. Then Victoire burst out laughing.

"'Special degree in saving peoples' butts,'" she giggled. "Good one, Rox."

Roxanne broke out grinning. "I try, dear cousin. I try."

Sirius suddenly started laughing like a maniac.

"Yes!" he said triumphantly. "Woo hoo! That house finally burned down! YES!"

"I think it's wonderful you hate your house so much," Remus muttered. His eyes fell on the future people. "Oh Merlin... Um... Hello, Harry."

"Hi Remus," Harry (O) greeted in a tiny voice, but then Ginny (O) shrieked.

"Where's Lily?!"

Everyone was silent as they looked around for the little girl. Harry's (O) heart suddenly began to race the longer his daughter wasn't in sight.

"And the momentary happiness is gone." Sirius sighed. "How did we forget about that? Gotta LOVE my life."

"Where's my daughter?!" Ginny (O) was getting frantic, and Harry (O) paced around in circles, frantically looking around for Lily.

"And Tonks is gone too!" Fred added.

"Oh, the shame you must be feeling, Sirius." George (Y) sighed. "Leaving your own cousin to burn in your own house. Shame."

"WHAT?!" Ginny (O) cried. "You left them in there?!"

"Wrong thing to say," Fred said to his twin under his breath.

"No, no! Of course not!" Sirius exclaimed. "We, uh, heard a scream and went to see them and they were gone! Not meaning they were left in the house! Well, not technically..."

"I-I feel like I might faint," Ginny (O) said shakily, paling.

"And I'm now scared," James commented. "Thanks Dad. And you guys didn't even say hello to me!"

"HELLO!" Ginny (O) exclaimed. "Happy? Oh, we have to go back! We have to do something!"

"We can't risk apparating, Ginny," said Bill. "We might appear right into the fire, and we'd be dead."

"So!" Ginny (O) put her hands on her hips. "We might not!"

"Fat chance," Harry (Y) muttered.

"We could steal a bus," Ron (O) suggested. Everyone stared at him. "What?"

"Tact, Ronald," Hermione (O) said. "It works wonders."

"Well it might not be the brightest idea, but do you have a better one?!"

"So where are we going to find a bus in this... Forrest? Who brought us here?!"

"Uncle Harry did!" Rose accused.

"What?" Harry (O) muttered, not looking at her because his mind was racing. Where was Lily...?

Hermione (O) then rounded on Ron (O) and said sarcastically, "Does anyone have a bus we could use? No? Huh. I wonder why."

"Why don't we just call the Knight Bus?" Ginny (Y) asked.

"That's smart!" the older Harry exclaimed, surprised. "That's - let's do that!"


An hour later, the lot of them were sitting in the three story Knight Bus. The younger Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, and Hermione we're sitting together with Albus, James, and Hugo laughing about something. Teddy was talking with Sirius, Remus, Victoire, Roxanne, Molly, Rose, and Arthur. The people from the future were talking about Lily and Tonks.

Privately, everyone knew that the two girls weren't at Grimlaud, or anywhere near it. They knew they wouldn't be there. In their heads, they were thinking about what to do when they don't find them there.

"This is my fault," said Harry (O). "She got mad at me..."

"It is not your fault!" Hermione and Ginny (O) said at the same time.

"It's her fault," said Ginny (O). "She should've known better than that -"

"Ginny." George (O) raised an eyebrow. "You and Harry both have a nasty temper, and you're saying your daughter should've known better then getting mad? Don't be thick."

Harry (O) was terribly distracted. He was very worried... It had been his fault that Lily and Tonks were gone - he had upset her, he had made her cry... She probably hated him, and that thought made him want to cry.

"MUM, I'M BORED!" James yelled randomly.

"I'm right here, you don't have to yell!" Ginny (O) said, sighing. "And go to sleep if you're bored. It works."

"But I'm not tired."

"Well that's just too bad, isn't it?"

"Let's play concentration!" Albus suggested to his brother.

"That's a girl's game," Victoire let them know. "Rox and I used to play it when we were kids."

"And M.A.S.H.!" said Roxanne. "Remember playing M.A.S.H., Vic? That was fun. I remember once you put Tom Felton as one of the guys, and you got him. For the rest of the day, you went around saying he was your husband."

"Oh yeah!" Victoire exclaimed, smiling thoughtfully.

"We should disguise ourselves," Fleur suggested after a moment. From years in London, her accent began to ware off, leaing the normal British accent.

"I'm rubbish at glamour charms," said Ginny (O). "But good idea. That way we won't have peoples' eyes popping out of their heads when we try to walk down the street."

"I wonder if we're nearly there," said George (O), peeking out the widow. Seeing only the haze of lights, he shook his head. "I don't think so. How far did you Apparate us anyway, Harry?"

"Um... I have no idea," said Harry (O), snapping out of his trance of looking out of the window. "I just thought of a random place and we ended up there."

"Well you could have thought of a more convenient place," Hermione (O) muttered.

He just sighed.

There was a silence. James coughed purposely.

"MUM I'M HUNGRY!" James randomly whined.

Ginny (O) rolled her eyes. "Well deal with it. I have been literally starved before. You ate breakfast. You won't die."

"But I will."

"No, you won't."

"Why were you starved?" Sirius asked.

"I was... locked in the Room of Requirement for three weeks because I was afraid to come out." She looked uncomfortable.

"Why would you be afraid to come out?" Remus asked.

"I... can't tell you that," Ginny (O) said. "Look, it could mess with the timeline. Maybe I will at some point."

"The bus is slowing down," Molly commented, and it was.

But the Knight Bus wasn't slowing to let them off. It was slowing for another passenger. A man in a cloak that was covering his face in a shadow.

And the man came bearing a message for Harry Potter. He said in a raspy and wheezing voice, "The Dark Lord would like you to know... that you'll never get the girl or woman back. That you... won't know where to look for him."

And with that, he Apparated away, leaving everyone staring at the spot where he stood, horrified.

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