Chapter 2

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"At least Mum didn't sound that mad," said Rose quietly.

Everyone was sitting in the kitchen and eating, for Mrs. Weasley had fussed over them being 'skinny.' Teen Ginny and Hermione still weren't showing their faces to anyone, because they were probably to humiliated to be seen.

"So what's Harry like in the future?" Ron asked through a mouthfull of chicken. He got a look from Harry but went on. "And what am I like?"

"Um... Well," Lily began, "Dad is probably the best father in the world, no offense to everyone else," she said easily, and Harry couldn't hide the small smile that had formed on his lips.

"Like when I pull a prank on Al or Lily and Mum gets really angry," said James, "Dad will calm her down so she won't kill us."

"And whenever he's angry he doesn't yell," Ted put in. "Except he never gets mad at me because I'm the best child."

"Sure you are," said Lily sarcastically.

"Uncle Ron is basically the same," said Albus. "So you two have nothing to worry about in your future."

"Oh yes and what about me?" Sirius asked. "Am I 'Grandpa Sirius' or something ingenious like that?"

"Um, sorry to kill your vibes, but you're dead," James said blankly. "Why do you think I'm named after you?"

Teddy did a facepalm, shaking his head. This wasn't going well at all, he thought.

Sirius frowned. "I dunno, maybe I was just awesome or something... WAIT - I'M DEAD?!"

"Did you have to tell him?!" Lily asked, glaring daggers at her brother. "Don't worry Sirius, James will be dead with you when we get home."

"If we get home," Hugo said in a small voice.

Everyone just looked at him.

"If we don't get home," Lily said quietly, "then Hugo and I won't get to go to Hogwarts."

"And I won't be able to take my N.E.W.T.s," said Rose.

"I'll never see Victoire again," Ted said sadly.

"Or Fred, or Roxanne, or Molly, or Louis, or Lucy, or Dominique, or Aunt Hermione, or Mum, or Dad, or -"

"Shut up, James!" Lily warned him. "You're only making this worse!"

"I'm sorry," said James, acting hurt. "But everyone was saying things they'd miss, so I just -"

"Decided to make everyone cry?" Al asked.

"We'll get you home," Remus assured them. "I promise."

"Yeah, well," said Hugo. "Promising doesn't usually do any good with us. James promised he wouldn't touch anything, and oh my, big surprise, he did."

James rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry dear brother, but I couldn't help myself. I was too curious."

"James," Lily began, "if your head wasn't attached to your shoulders, you'd lose it."

"I probably would. Your point is?"

"Truly worthy of the name James Potter," Sirius mumbled. "But back on topic, how are you going to get them to believe you?"

Rose shrugged, and Albus's eyes suddenly lit up and he exclaimed, "I have an idea! Someone like Sirius or Remus or... someone should send the next Patronus and explain to them that we really are in the past, so Dad can figure out what to do."

"How?" Teddy asked wearily. "Weren't all the Time Turners destroyed? I seem to remember something like that happening."

"Time Turners can't be destroyed unless you use the Dark Arts," Hermione informed them as she walked in.

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