Chapter 20

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It took the chldren awhile to figure out the pond. James's leg didn't loosten up at all, and every time he stepped on it he felt like the pain would get worse. When he got questioned about it, he managed a small smile and told them it was getting better, which was totally the opposite - but luckily they didn't suspect anything (except maybe his brother). James was really talented at lying (not that he did it that often, only to get out of some sort of fender-bender), he had a lot of practice growing up. He was still working on how to get through his mother, but that was almost impossible - Ginny Potter could detect a lie a mile away.

But, moving off that point, James thought he would surely break his legs - if not more - when they were suddenly falling through the air and hit the ground with all their force. Thank Merlin they had landed in sand - if it had been anything else, James was sure he would've died or at least put himself into a coma.

"Is everyone else... okay?" James asked wearily, pushing himself up with his hands and using his good leg to stand up and catch his balance.

"I'm okay," Albus said, standing up.

"I'm fine," Rose said, dusting Albus off then coming around to do the same to James as Scorpius, Fred (2), Domi, and Molly (present) muttered that they were okay and helped each other up.

"Where do you think they went from here?" Domi asked.

James looked around. "I think maybe they went -"

He stopped when he heard someone chuckleing amusedly behind them. James turned around slowly to see no one other than Lord Voldemort.

He was so stupid. How could he think that he could just come and be the hero? He just wanted to be like his dad for once - like his dad, an amazing Auror, his dad, who had worked so hard to make the world a better place for his own children to grow up in by killing Voldemort, like his father who he looked up to so much. But now James had messed everything up, and Voldemort was back. He had basically thrown all his dad's hard work away by messing this up.

And James had thought; 'Oh, I've seen the Harry Potter movies, I've totally got this!'

No. Wrong. The real Voldemort was nothing like the bloody movies.

First - his eyes were bright red and very frightening. James felt like they could bore through him. Secondly, there was much more of a permanant sneer plastered onto his face. And something was just... different. This version of Tom Riddle seemed more evil.

"How fourtunate." Voldemort smiled creepily at the children, his voice like nails on a chalk board. "Have you kiddies lost your way?"

"Yeah." Albus seemed unfased by the evil man, and stood up proudly. "We'll be going now."

"Watch your cheek," Voldemort hissed at James's brother, and James felt his blood boil.

"Don't talk to my brother," James ordered, stepping up.

Voldemort laughed icily. "I could kill you, Potter, but I'll wait until your parents are around."

"I... What are you going to d-do with us?" Molly (present) asked, backing away. She was obviously very scared.

Voldemort sneered, flicked his wand, and everything went black.


Next thing James knew, he was tied to a rock, ropes binding his arms and legs. He couldn't move - whenever he moved his arms the rock sliced his skin, and he couldn't move his legs because of his injury. He felt like his entire leg had fallen asleep, but it still hurt badly when he moved it.

He looked around dazedly to see his brother next to him, and the others - all of them were in the same situation, tied to a rock. All their wands were gone.

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