Chapter 12

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They all met at Hermione and Ron's house, because the living room was the biggest. That's where everyone was seated, and everyone was chatting amongst themselves about where they thought Voldemort was.

No one knew that Sirius, Remus, Molly (past), Arthur, and the rest of the people from the past were there. They had decided to keep it a secret.

"He'd obviously go somewhere unexpected," said Harry (O).

"Canada!" Victiore blurted out.

"Russia!" said Scorpius.

"Pig Farts!" James suggested.

They all decided to ignore the kids.

"Did you see the Muggle news this morning?" Astoria asked Ginny (O), who shook her head. "Well, there was this really suspicious murder in Florida -"

"- Florida?" Rolf, Luna's husband, spoke up, astonished. "Why there?"

"What happened?" Ron (O) asked.

"It was this family of wizards living in Stuart," said Draco. "All the Muggles found of their remains were their heads..."

It was silent, until Ginny (Y) blurted out, "That's absoutly revolting!"

"It is," Hermione (Y) agreed. "Maybe the Death Eaters are trying to recruit more people to join their ranks."

"Yeah," said Sirius. "That could be a possibility."

"The hard thing is going to be trying to get the Ministry to believe us," Harry (Y) said.

"Exactly," Harry agreed with himself. "What I want to know is what ever happened to Kingsley."

"Dissapeared," Dean Thomas said. "Didn't anyone tell you?"

"Bloody hell, no one tells me anything! You'd think people would keep me up to date with things, but no..."

"Sorry honey," Ginny (O) said. "We just forget."

"We should get an investigation over in Florida, then," Ron (O) said. "To see what's going on."

"I'll go," said Victiore. "Even though I'm not an Auror, I can investigate pretty well."

"Or me," said James. "I'm like Inspector Gadget."

"Yet you still couldn't figure out where the mop was..." Ginny (O) muttered. "You just didn't want to clean."

"What's a mop?"

"Okay, let's see about that investigation," Harry (O) said, getting up.

He didn't know that Cho Chang, who was sitting in the corner quietly, was working up a plan of her own.


Harry (O and Y), Ginny (O and Y), Ron (O), Hermione (O), Sirius, Remus, Molly (past), and Arthur were the ones going on the investigation. They were going to let James, Albus, Hugo, and Rose stay at the Potters' house by themselves, but they had a 'serious talk' before they left.

"We'll be back before you know it," Ginny (O) told James, giving him a hug, "so don't get too crazy and call me if -"

"I know, I know mother, call you if anything is wrong, don't destroy the house." He rolled his eyes. "I know."

"You missed don't kill your brother," Harry (O) said sternly. "Because if I come back and Al has some kind of cuncussion -"

"I'm not going to give him a cuncussion, Dad! That one time was an accedent..."

Albus snorted. "Accedent. Right."

"Keep Rose and Hugo in line though," Ron (O) said.

"Fleur is coming by tomorrow morning, so make sue you take the wards down when you wake up," said Ginny (O). "Al knows how. She'll call before she gets here too. Don't take the wards down unless someone in the family is at the door, and don't let random people in."

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