Chapter 5

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When Lily woke up she saw Harry snoring in across the room, and wondered why he was there. She was tired, and she didn't have a clue why, as she knew she hadn't woken up.

Lily got up and stumbled into the bathroom, looking at her reflection. Her skin was pale, she had dark circles under her eyes, and her hair was a mess on her head. She brushed her teeth, ran the brush through her hair, and splashed water on her face.

Yawning and being careful to avoid the box, she went down the stairs and into the kitchen. While she was in the bathroom Harry must've woken up, because he was sitting at the table devouring a bowl of cereal.

"- I'm just worried -" Teddy stopped talking to the Patronus that was in front of him when he saw Lily walk in.

"Speak of the Devil." Sirius smiled at her but it turned into a frown, which mirrored on everyone else's faces.

"What?" Lily asked, sitting down next to Rose, who tensed.

"Lily," James started curiously, "did you have any weird dreams last night?"

Lily shrugged, trying to remain impassive. "No. Is that Mum?"

Albus waved off her question. "Any at all?"

"I already told you no. Why?"

"No reason," Rose said quickly. "And yeah, your parents are there. We were just talking to them."

"Hi Mum!" Lily greeted into the Patronus. "Hi Dad."

"Hey, Lils," the Harry from the future said wearily. It sounded like he was upset about something, but Lily didn't know what.

"Did you sleep okay?" came Ginny's voice.

"Yeah why - why are you guys - what happened? Why do you keep asking me -"

"No reason," said Rose again.

"No, I'm not stupid, there is a reason. Why -"

"We were just wondering," said Fred.

"Oh shut up guys it's no use." Remus sighed. "You... You woke up in the middle of the night -"


"You were kind of... um, yelling."

"What? I was not! I don't even remember waking -"

"Yeah you were," the younger Ginny said. "You started screaming -"

"We were just worried, that's all," Harry (big Harry) said.

"So you're saying you think I'm insane?" Lily stood up, her fists clenched.

"No, we never said -"

"Then why are you acting like it?"

"Lily, we're just worried -"

"I'm not mad!" Lily insisted. "I'm not!"

"I don't think you're mad," Harry said calmly. "I'm just trying to do what's best for you -"

"That's a lie! You do think I'm crazy, don't you?!"

"No, I don't -"

"Why do you keep lying to me?!"

"Lily, stop," her mother said. "This won't help anything -"

"No, I won't stop! I am not insane!"

"I know you aren't!" Harry insisted. "I just think something is going wrong -"


"Lily -"


She stormed off just as the vase on the table exploded in her rage, and Mrs. Black's portrait started to scream. Lily yelled at it to shut up then slammed her door as loud as she could.

It was quiet.

"Well there goes Ginny," said the future Ron. "Good going, Harry. A two-in-one. I'm proud."

"That didn't go too well," Victoire observed.

"I've never seen Lily blow up like that," said Roxanne.

"She has Harry's temper," said George. "It has caused my ears some severe structural damage to have two air-horns around this place."

"You mean your EAR," said Ron. "News flash - you only have one, smart-O."

"I know. I'm part of the Holy Spirit. I'm Holy and Fred's the Spirit. Hahaha, I'm so smart!"

"A genius," said Hermione. "Rose, go to Lily -"

"Heck no!" Rose exclaimed. "I'm not going in there for at least ten more minutes! She might kill me on accident."

"Yep, it'll be an accident all right," James said.

"I heard that," Harry said irritably. "You best watch yourself, James. Karma. Okay, someone go handle Lily and I'll get Ginny back. We'll call you tonight, alright? Love you all!"

"Love you!" the children called back as the Patronus dissolved.

"Teddy, you go get Lily," James ordered.

"No, you get her!" Teddy protested.

"Albus, go get your sister."

"No! She's your sister too!" Albus exclaimed.

"Yeah well I always do so you can do it this time."

"No! Make Rose do it!"

James turned to Rose, who said, "No way I'm doing it. No. Way. Hugo -"

"I'm not doing anything for you," Hugo said quickly. "Nuh uh. Last time I did -"

"Yeah we all know what happened," said James. "Okay then. Leave her there. She'll get over it eventually."

"Oh my God you guys I'll go get her," Tonks said, rolling her eyes and standing up.

"Have fun, Nymphadora!" Sirius said cheerily.

Tonks turned around and glared at him. Her hair turned a bright red and she said through gritted teeth, "Don't call me Nymphadora, Sirius."

"Got it. No Nymphadora. Is it Dora, then?"

James and Albus began to laugh, and no one else did.

"DORA THE EXPLORA!" Teddy blurted and started laughing with them.

"I used to be so afraid of that." Hugo grinned.

"Oh, my God, you three would think of that." Rose rolled her eyes.


Lily was hiding under the covers, her head under her pillow and headphones jammed in her ears, blasting music from her iPod as loud as it would go. It hurt, but she ignored it.

She was NOT going mad... right? No, of course she wasn't! Just because she had a bad dream and... and was screaming... and couldn't be woken up didn't mean...

Okay, that defiantly can't be good, she thought. But it doesn't mean I'm insane!

She knew she had overreacted, and shouldn't have yelled at her father - he didn't deserve to be yelled at, he hadn't done anything, but they didn't get her. No one did. The dream she had... she couldn't talk about it. She had acted like she hasn't had it because it scared her. A lot.

It was just a dream, though. No more, no less. A dream. It couldn't hurt her.

But the fact that she'd woken up screaming scared her more. Her throat had hurt a bit... it hurt more after the scene she'd just put on. And her face after she'd woken up...

She suddenly wanted her mother badly. She wanted her Mum to hold her and sing to her like when she was small, but she knew that couldn't happen, because her mother was in a comepletly different era than her.

Stupid James! Stupid, stupid, stupid James! Had to go in the freaking study and ruin everything. Had to be so... so... IDIOTIC!

Lily's thoughts were interrupted by a tiny nudge on her shoulder.

If it's James, she thought, I'll kill him.

She didn't move. Lily just grunted in response.

Someone lifted up the pillow and pulled out one of her headphones. "That loud enough for ya?"

"No," Lily muttered into the mattress.

"You'll break your ears keeping this up, little missy."

Lily sat up, her hair sticking to her wet face. She grabbed her iPod and reluctantly turned it down, and Tonks smiled brightly at her. "Mind if I listen?"

Lily handed her the earbud she wasn't using and sighed. "Dad told you to calm me down, didn't he?"

"Yep," Tonks said as she put it in her ear. "It was all him."

Lily couldn't help grinning a bit, but it quickly faded away and turned into a sigh.

"They don't understand me," she said angrily. "I'm not mad! I just... I don't know... I'm not crazy, I swear!"

"We never said you were crazy," said Tonks.

"Yes, but he was getting to that! Dad was going to say... He was going to say -"

"Lily, a father - especially Harry - wouldn't suggest that his own daughter was mad," Tonks reasoned. "He was probably going to say something along the lines of, 'Think of happy things before you sleep,' or 'I hope you're okay.' If I know Harry at all, he wasn't about to suggest insanity. He just doesn't jump to conclusions."

"Yes but he said he thought something was wrong!" Tears flooded into Lily's eyes. "And what could possibly be wrong besides insanity?"

Tonks, who knew very well there could be lots more wrong than insanity, remained silent for the girl's sake.

"And he always covers himself up! When ever Mum or I get mad he stops and... I don't know. I love him and all, and I know he loves me, but I just wish... I don't know. But I know I'm not mad, I'd be... I'd be hearing voices and stuff, right?"

Tonks sighed. "Not necessarily."

They sat there for a few minutes, thinking and listening to 'Little Talks' by Julia Sheer.

'I don't like walking 'round this old and empty house.
So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear.
The stairs creak as you sleep, it's keeping me awake.
It's the house telling you to close your eyes.
Some days I can't even dress myself.
It's killing me to see you this way.
Cause though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.
Don't listen to a word I say! The screams all sound the same! Although the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore...'

"This song is about a lady going crazy," Lily said randomly. "Total mistake buying it."

Tonks laughed. "Really? Huh. So... No dreams?"

Lily swallowed. She didn't want them to worry further and figured not to tell about her dream. "No."

"Are you sure? I mean... We need to know, Lils. None at all?"

"... None at all."

Tonks looked at her warily for a moment, but then her smile returned and she nodded. "Okay, I trust you."

'There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back.
Well tell her that I miss our little talks.
Soon it will be over, and buried with our past!
We used to play outside when we were young - and full of life, and full of love.
Some days I don't know if I am wrong or right!
Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear.
Cause though the truth may vary this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore!'

"Do you think he knows I didn't mean it?" Lily asked in a whisper. "I don't really want him to find me. I just... I was mad! The last thing I want is for... for Voldemort to find me..."

"And he won't," Tonks promised. "I won't let him, and neither will anyone else. I doubt Harry thinks you meant it. Honey, he won't blame you, but I think you hurt your mother's feelings when you said you wish you were never born, and Harry's too."

'You're gone, gone, gone away, I watched you dissappear.
All that's left is the ghost of you.
Now we're torn, torn, torn apart, there's nothing we can do.
Just let me go, we'll meet again soon.
Now wait, wait, wait for me, don't hang around! I'll see you when I fall asleep!
Don't listen to a word I say! The screams all sound the same!
'Cause though the truth may vary, this ship will carry our bodies safe to shore...'

Lily wondered if she should tell Tonks about the dream. About the horrible dream she had, with the bald-headed man, the high-pitched scream, or the flash of blinding, emerald light...

She was just about to open her mouth when Tonks said something instead.

"You know what, Lily, I'm going to help you get this power under control. Starting tomorrow."


"So, about the future..."

Everyone (except Lily and Tonks) were seated in the living room around a fire. The daylight was slowly fading, and the light from the flames was dancing across their faces. Sirius had just begun to say something, but Remus cut him off.

"Is Voldemort a threat?"

"No," Rose replied.

"Can't spell Voldemort without emo!" Albus whispered to his brother, making James laugh.

"Voldemort looks like a dude out of Avatar with a downgrade," Teddy commented.

"Wait," Harry said, "he's dead?"

"Yeah," James answered. "He was all like, 'Only I can live FOREVER!' And then he dies forty five minutes later."

"Woo-hoo!" George exclaimed.

"Brownie points for us!" Fred finished happily.

"How did they do it?" Sirius asked.

"It's kind of complicated," said Rose. "And disturbing. He had Horcruxes - seven of them."

"HORCRUXES?!" Remus's mouth was hanging open. "SEVEN?!"

"Yeah," said Teddy. "There was Tom Riddle's Diary as one, Helga Huffelpuff's Cup, the Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw, Voldemort's pet snake, Slytherin's locket, himself, and other stuff I can't remember. He thought he owned the freaking Elder Wand and thought he was all awesome, but he really didn't and vented his anger by randomly killing people. He put his Death Eaters to lead Hogwarts and they did nothing but Crucio the kids, and everyone was in Slytherin, and all of the sudden he made a war at a school with children in it, and -"

"So there's going to be a big war?" Hermione asked.

"Yes. Next year to be -"


There was an explosion from the outside, and the windows lit up from the light of the fire. Everyone jumped up in shock.

A high-pitched cackle. A scream. A crash.

It was Bellatrix's laugh, Lily's scream.

Then Tonks shrieked.

"Nymphadora?! Lily?!" Sirius yelled, running to the stairs with everyone on his tail.

They were halfway up the stairs when Molly yelled from the kitchen, "THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE! SOMEONE'S OUTSIDE!"

Lily nor Tonks were in the room. But Lily's window was open, the cold night air making the curtains flow in the breeze...


Harry and Ginny Potter, Hermione, Ron, Bill, Fleur, Victoire, Roxane, and George Weasley arrived with a pop outside of Grimlaud.

Harry's eyes widened at the sight. Fire was circled around the house, and the inside was burning a bit.

The Ministry had just approved their plead for an emergency Time-Turner, and they'd gone as fast as they could.

A voice cackled. They undoubtedly knew as Bellatrix Lestrange's. "COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE, POTTER!"

"No," Ginny breathed in a hoarse whisper. "No!"

"DAD!" Albus yelled from inside of the circle of flames. "Mum and Dad are here!"

"Victoire!" Teddy cried as he attempted to penetrate the Feindfyre with water. "What are you DOING here?!"

"What are YOU doing?!" Harry bellowed at him. "Water makes it stronger!"

"Oh CRAP!" Teddy yelled as the deadly fire started to tower over him and Sirius ran to help.

"Stay here," Harry told Ginny as he brought his wand out and took off without waiting for a reply.

"THERE HE IS!" Bellatrix screeched, still nowhere to be seen. "THERE'S POTTER! I'VE FOUND HIM!"

Future Harry, Bill, George and Ron fought their way through the flames to find the younger Molly, Arthur, Sirius, Remus, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and the twins all fighting the fire, holding back the flames only barely. James, Rose, Teddy and Albus were helping (making attempts), but all James managed to do was just about nothing, so he went and stood by Hugo.

Lily and Tonks weren't there.

(AN; I'm putting (O) for the future people and (Y) for the present btw)

Harry (O) was running up to Teddy as his wife, Hermione (O), Victoire, Roxanne, and Fleur barged in.

"WE'VE GOT THIS, EVERYONE!" Ginny (O) let them know.


"NO NEED TO PANIC!" Hermione (O) put in.



"THE HECK GINNY I TOLD YOU TO STAY OVER THERE!" Harry (O) ducked one of the flames.

"WELL I DIDN'T LISTEN TO YOU, DID I?" Ginny (O) replied.

"Holy CRAP!" Sirius pointed at the sky. "Is that what I think that is?!"

"Wha..." Harry (O) trailed off, his eyes wide as he stared at the sky.


Rose ran to her mother with Hugo and James on her heels. Albus and Teddy stopped fighting back and did the same.

"COME ON!" Bill pressed.

Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, the twins (all Y), Sirius, Remus, Arthur, and Molly fell back too.

And suddenly everyone was holding on to each other as the Dark Mark became more solid in the sky, and they disappeared with a loud CRACK.

But Lily and Tonks still weren't with them.

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