Chapter 27

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This chapter will be short, but the next one - I promise - will be longer ;)

It took about twenty minutes to get James into the wheelchair because it hurt him to move. 

"For crying out loud, get a grip, James!" Albus demanded. 

"It's not my fault!" James insisted. "My body hurts! Next time you're poisoned and can't move and have a bloody detached and shattered and broken leg I'll shove you into a bloody wheelchair and see how you hold up!" 

Al ignored him and asked, "Where d'you think Lily's room is? Mum and Dad never showed us, did they?" 

"No," said Teddy. "But I think it's on the Fourth Floor - Spell Damage."

"And where are we?" James asked, wincing as he finally sat in the chair, the seering pain still pulsing through him.

"They put you under Potion and Plant Poisoning, we're on the Third Floor," said Al. Then he frowned. "If you're not up for it, we can put you back in the bed -" 

"Not a chance," James muttered. "C'mon, let's go - you have school in the morning so Mum and Dad will be back soon to pick you up." It was nearing one in the morning. 

"I'm bringing him back," said Teddy, grabbing hold of the back of the wheelchair to push him. "Hermione is making Harry and Ginny sleep some." Then he grumbled quietly, "If we get caught, it's your fault, James." 

"I'm good at talking my way out of things," James told him, wincing yet again when he started to push it. "Wait, Al, grab that potion by my bed." Al handed the small flask to his brother and gave him a questioning look. James said, "It eases the pain just a bit." 

Teddy got him through the door easily and started to push him down the completly empty, startingly white all. Al waked alongside James and asked with wide eyes, "Does it hurt terribly?" 

"To tell you the truth, yeah," James told him, grimacing and he didn't know why. "My blood kind of burns - and whenever I move too much I ache, and my head throbs most of the time. D'you know how it feels after playing a rough game of Quidditch?" Al nodded. "Worse than that. Like that mixed up with having a bad head cold. I hope it goes away fast - I'll want to join you and the others at Hogwarts. Lily'll come with me." He sounded determined and Al looked away. 

"You're dreadfully pale," Teddy commented. "But a bit green in the face. Remember when we went for a boat ride and Al got sick from the tide? You look like that." 

James managed to smirk at the old memory. "I remember." 

They approached the elevator and Teddy manuvered James in, and Al slipped in as well. 

"Fourth Floor," Teddy muttered to himself, pushing a button. When they got out again, he said to Al, "Al, go and look for Lily's name on one of the doors - then come back." 

Al left his two brothers and turned right down to see a long white hall lined with doors. He walked along it briskly, scaning the doors for 'Potter'. He did a double-take and looked at a door that had a large red sign - 'DO NOT ENTER!' it read, 'CRITICAL CONDITION WARD: ONLY HEALERS AND PERMITTED GUESTS FOR ENTRY!' 

"Not this time, peasants," Al muttered to himself, then pratically ran back to James and Teddy. 

"Back here," Al said, beckoning them. "Quick - I don't know if it's locked or not!" 

Luckily, it wasn't, and the three boys cauciously entered the room. 

And there lay their sister, pale, bruised, bloody, and hooked up to many different pipes - some giving her a different array of potions, others monetering her, and others doing semingly nothing at all. 

Al, like his brothers, looked devestated and on the verge of tears, and reached out his hand to touch Lily, but jumped back. 

"It's a forcefeild - it shocks, be careful," Teddy warned quietly. 

James was in a state of shock. He could barely breathe - air came in short bursts and he couldn't control anything in him anymore. He cried. He didn't notice when Al and Teddy left the room silently, but they were waiting outside the door. 

"I'm sorry..." James cried, his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, Lily, don't - please don't - don't die! It's my f-fault, I know, I'm s... I'm so sorry..." 

Suddenly, a loud ringing soud made James jump - then a million Healers rushed into the room. 

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