Chapter 3

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The next morning, Lily walked down the staircase in Grimlaud Place while trying to put her hair up into a pony tail. She didn't see the box that was sitting on the bottom step, and jammed her foot into it.

"OW!" Lily grabbed her left foot and started hopping up and down saying, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!"

"MUDBLOODS, SCUM - FILTHY BLOOD TRAITORS!" screamed the portrait of Mrs. Black, as she had woken her up.

"Ow, ow - SHUT YOUR FACE UP!" Lily yelled at it.

The portrait continued to shreik. "HALF-BLOODS, BREEDS! BLOOD TRAITORS!"

"Oh yeah, well you're just a hypocrite," Lily said through gritted teeth.

She then started rocking back and forth on the ground, holding her foot and listening to the portirat call her names she wouldn't dare repeat.

"Okay, who's being flicked off this time?" Sirius sighed as he came out of the kitchen and saw Lily on the ground. His features became clouded with concern. "You okay?"

He took his wand out and flicked it at the potrait, and Mrs. Black was silenced, the curtains now over her.

"No," Lily said bitterly. "I accedntly kicked that box. Is it metalic?" she asked seriously.

Sirius chuckled and helped her up. "You've got to watch those metalic boxes. Can you walk on it?"


Lily put her foot on the ground and shifted wait onto it, but winced. "No."

"I figured."

Sirius called for Molly, who came from the kitchen as well.

"Oh, are you alright, dear?" she asked Lily.

"I think she broke her foot," said Sirius.

"Broken?" squeaked Lily. "From a box?"

"A metalic box," Sirius corrected.

"What happened?" Hermoine asked from the top of the stairs. Rose and Ginny were following her, curious.

"Watch out for the metalic box," Lily muttered.

"We think she might have broken her foot," Molly replied.

"No!" said Lily quickly. "Look, it's not broken! I can walk on it!"

She winced and limped in a circle. "Well, sort of."

"What happened to you?" Teddy asked as he appeared.

"Anyone else like to join my pain?" Lily sighed. "I accedentaly kicked a box, and they think my foot's broken. Does this look broken to you?"

"I remember when you broke your leg when you were about five."

"I don't really care."

"Yeah, it looks broken."

"You would make a terrible Healer."

"That's why I'm an Auror."

"Go away now."

"Fine then, I see how it is."

When Teddy was gone, Lily turned to the two adults. "He's a git, so his opinion doesn't count."


They all came together to eat breakfast after Molly fixed Lily's foot (it was only sprained), and Sirius advised her to look where she was going next time.

"Stop that!" whined Rose, as Teddy and Lily laughed. Teddy was annoying everyone but Lily by making himself look like Robert Pattinson. "Seriously, Ted, it's not funny!"

"Really? I think it's hilarious," said Teddy, grinning. "I wonder if I sparkle in the sun."

"Oh, oh, oh - do Matt Smith!" James pleaded.

Teddy's hair went a dark brown, curling just a bit at the fringe. His face became lighter and a bit more rounded, with hazel eyes.

James roared with laughter, as Teddy said, "I'm the Doctor! Come along, Pond, so you can save me from another demon before I die, and no one wants that. Geronimo!"

"Hey guys," Albus suddenly said, interrupting everyone's conversations. "Who here knows what a Double-Patronus is?"

Everyone looked at him blankly.

"Sounds familiar," Tonks said.

"It does," Sirius agreed.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Remus put in. "Double-Patronus?"

Hermione snapped her fingers, as if she'd just remembered something. "I know now! We had to learn about it in our third year when Snape - don't you remember that? Anyone? Oh c'mon guys, don't be daft!"

Rose snorted. "Welcome to my life..."

"No, but we did a paper on the different forms of the Patronus and everything!" exclaimed an exhasporated Hermione.

"I probably didn't do it," said Ron.

"And I probably copied off you," said Harry. "So we wouldn't remember."

"You two are completely thick! It's a Patronus from both sides that combine, and it's basically like a telephone."

"Awesome," said James. "How do we do it?"

"Oh my God I remember now!" Lily exclaimed. "Didn't Dad do that once? I remember it! I think it was like five years ago or something but I still remember -"

"Don't worry guys," said Albus. "My sister has a photographic memory for the littlest things."

"Shut up! It was that day when we were at the shopping center and we saw the guy with the Afro!"

Everyone stared at her.

"I don't see how this goes along with the whole Patronus thing." Sirius frowned.

Lily went on. "And then we went home, but we forgot toilet paper and had to go back, and we were in the car and the Patronus thingy was there! Don't you remember that?"

"And... Does anyone know how to do this?" asked Rose.

"I'm surprized you don't," said Hugo.

"It took me about two years to full produse a full patronus, and now you're all looking at me like I'm the solution! I didn't even have any idea what you were talking about!"

"Right. Got it. Wait, Al, how did you know what it was?"

Albus grinned. "I'm a smarticle particle. That's how."

"Oh God Al's losing it." Lily rolled her eyes. "But now, sadly, we all have to be serious - no, not Sirius Black - and try to figure out how this works. Now, sense Rose is the genius -"

"What about you?" Rose asked. "You know how to do wandless magic and you're not even in school yet!"

"I'm just awesome like that."

"Wait - what?" Remus asked, confused. "You can do -"

"Yep," said Lily. "Um..." She looked around the room, fixed her eyes on James's toast, and in about ten seconds it slowly soared off his plate. Lily grabbed it. "People say I'm special."

The people from her past were staring at her - but everyone else from her time went on chatting and eating, like they were used to this act of extraordinary magic.

"What?" Lily asked after a minute, a bit of color rushing into her face at all the attention. "I've been able to do it sense I was five."

"Yeah," said Teddy, pulling out of his conversation with James to say, "We were outside, and Harry and Ginny were inside, and I was told to look after them three. So I was watching them, and Lily got mad at James. He fell in the lake -"

"I hated you so bad then," James said, glaring at his sister. "There was slime in my mouth."

"- and I thought it was just normal magic, you know. So then Lily was chasing this frog across the dock and laughing. All of the sudden the frog transfigured into a sunflower, and Lily picked it up, said 'Got you,' and then it became a frog again. Then I was kind of freaked out so I ran into the house yelling for Harry to come. He didn't believe me, though, and said that it was impossible for a five year-old to know how to transfigure a frog into a sunflower. He picked Lily up and started to go inside, but Lily still had the frog -"

"And I held it out to him and made it a flower in his face," Lily finished. "... But isn't that normal?"

"No!" Sirius said, a little hysterically. "That's not normal at all! If the Ministry found out it'd be all over the papers -"

"We only told the family," said Albus. "And we got the same reaction. I'm kind of scared of Lily now -"

"Because I'm different?" Lily scoffed. "I'm just powerful, that's all. I wish I wasn't! If I'm really mad bad things happen, if I'm grumpy it rains, I swear! I was mad once, and walked into my room. Guess what happened. I guess I had accidentally put a sticking charm on my bed, because I was glued to it! Nope, I would much rather live without whatever extra magic I have. I want to be normal, but sadly, I can't, because I can't laugh a little without making soda cans explode, and something bad always happens!"

"You just need to learn to control it," said Tonks. "That's all."

"Yeah, well if no one else is like me, how will I know how to get it under control? I feel like some kind of magnet with the stares I'm getting!"

"I can't have normal feelings or else I ruin everything!"

"That is extraordinary," Remus said, looking at Lily with wide eyes. "You were just born with these powers?"

Lily nodded.

"No one had to perform spells on you when you were born or anything?"

"Well... I wasn't exactly observant at the time," Lily said blankly, and James burst out laughing, but she remained imapassive.

Remus was astounded. "That's just... amazing. I've never heard anything like it."

"Everyone says I'm special," said Lily, "but what I don't understand is why that bother to say that, because they say that everyone is special."

"You have a gift," Molly said. "Put it that way. It's a gift from God."

"More like a curse," Lily mumbled. "Now, are we going to learn this spell, or not?"

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