Chapter 24

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Astoria, Neville, Draco, and Neville sat at the mahogany table in the hotel room, Astoria nervously fidgeting with her Butterbeer bottle - the only sound was that of the television, which the children were watching to keep up on the hurricane. Draco had performed a charm on the television so it got connection - otherwise the storm would've blocked it out for sure.

"I'm a horrible person!" Astoria suddenly bursted out, putting her head in her hands and sobbing. Draco reached over and put a hand on her arm, looking grim.

"No, you're not," he said.

"Yeah, they brought it on themselves, running off like that," said Neville.

"I - I didn't - see them - go," Astoria managed to get out.

"It's not your fault they manipulated you," said Draco. "Now stop... Once the storm calms down, we'll go and -"

Thunder boomed loudly, making them jump. They heard Lucy scream and the lights went out.

"MURDERERS!" Lucy screetched, running into the kitchen and ramming right into Neville, who had stood up. He quickly had his wand out and waved it, making the lights come back on. He saw that Lucy had her hands over her nose and had tears shining in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Lucy! Are you alright?!" he asked quickly. "Let me see."

Lucy reluctantly removed her hands - there was a strand of blood coming from her nostril and a smear, then some on her hands.

"Here," Astoria said quietly, handing Neville a napkin.

While she got cleaned, Lucy said, "Neville, where's my sister?"

He was quiet.

"Where's Molly?"

"We don't exactly know," said Neville, chosing his words carefully, "but she'll be back soon - I promise."

It woud've been a better idea if he hadn't promised.


Meanwhile, in a different time, Albus Dumbledore was very concerned. The school preprations were falling behind, he hadn't gotten any letters from Harry - or anyone, for that matter, on what was happening with Lily and Tonks - and on top of that, Voldemort had basically dissappeared off the face of the earth.

Yes, he was very concerned. He knew for a fact what had happened with Voldemort was indeed linked to Lily and Tonks's whereabouts.

After a few days, Dumbledore became very anxious - he knew something was very wrong. He eventually decided on confining into Severus for help - why hadn't he thought of that earlier?

But when the headmaster went to find Severus Snape, he was gone.


Voldemort was done talking. He was going to get on with his plan - and it didn't look like there was any way of stopping him. Ginny (O) was back on the ground, crying, as was Hermione, Angie, Fleur, Audry, and Harry (O) even. Already, he couldn't get the image of James out of his head, already as good as dead...

Voldemort's wand was raised, pointing at Lily, when suddenly there was a blast.

And Sirius, Remus, Tonks, and Dean all walked in, a fifth figure following them. When the figure came closer, Harry (O) saw that this man was...

Severus Snape?!

Voldemort stopped, Ginny (O) got up, Lily's eyes flew open all at once.

"Snape?!" Harry (Y), Fred and george (both Y), Ginny (Y), Ron (Y), and Hermione (Y) all gasped at the exact same time.

"Ah, Severus," said Voldemort, trying to sound happy to see Snape, "I was beginning to worry, you know!"

"As you should've, Riddle," said Snape coldly.

Voldemort's welcoming face dropped instantly and his eyes became deadly. "What was that, Severus?"

"I said, 'As you should've, Riddle.' Honestly, don't you pay attention?"

A Death Eater - the one that was restraining Ginny (Y), hissed, "You dare -?!"

"Yes, I dare," said Snape. "And you, Riddle, will pay for everything you've done."

"Traitor!" Voldemort spat. "Bloody TRAITOR! You will NOT SPEAK TO ME THAT W-"

"You don't belong here, Tom," Snape snapped. "None of us do! We don't belong in the future!"

"I do belong here, Snape!" Voldemort hissed. "I have to rule! I deserve to rule! If Potter hadn't been there, then -!"

"Someone else would've if Potter hadn't been there!" Snape insisted. "Don't you see, Tom? Don't you learn from your mistakes? There will always be a hero. Someone will always be there to stop you. Potter or no, there's always someone who wants to bring justice. Longbottom could've been the one you chose. For all we knew, it could've been a wizard on the other side of the world!"

"I trusted you!" Voldemort spat, disregarding his words. "I bloody well trusted you and -"

"I was with Dumbledore from the beginning... I suggest you back down."

At that moment, Dean, Tonks, Sirius, and Remus shot multiple spells out of their wands, hitting the Death Eaters. They fell back, knocked out, and Harry (O) grabbed his wand as well as the Death Eater's, immedietly rushing over to his wife and clutching onto her, afraid to let go.

"Never," Voldemort said simply, staring into Snape's stone eyes.

Snape stared back. "Don't kill these children, Tom."

Voldemort sneered. "I can - and I will, Severus."

Harry's (O) eyes were locked onto Lily's - during everything that had happened, she had slowly stood up. Her brown eyes were far-off and spacy looking, but she was looking in Voldemort's general area. She slowly started to raise her quivering hand, and realization passed through Harry (O) quickly on what she was doing.

Snape was obviously distracting Voldemort... Lily had her hand raised and seemed to be concentrating... He knew exactly what she was going to do.

It happened in a blur.

Lily's lips moved, and Harry (O) knew she had used Confringo right away, because of the kind of light that shot from her hand. It hit Voldemort's arm, which burst into flames and Voldemort cried out in pain - Tonks grinned for a moment, than it wiped off her face.

Just as Voldemort recovered (kind of) Snape started on him, and as Voldemort's wand arm was singed and bleeding, he couldn't move it, and took Snape's curses. In no less than a minute he was crumpled on the floor.

That was easier than I remember, Harry (O) thought.

Then Lily went weak in the knees and collapsed.

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