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Olive was walking out of her house to go get some things her mom asked her for. She ended up going to a small store for the stuff. Olive walked inside and saw a boy and a man. She went towards the back of the store to get a gallon of milk, the door opened and a group of guys walked in.

She looked to see who it was and she recognized them. Olive tried to hide from them, she knew they would bother her if they got a chance. Her attempts to hide didn't really work out since one of the boys called out to her.

"Hey, Olive" the boy started to walk towards her with his asshole friends behind him.

"Leave me alone Kyler." She started to walk away looking for the other stuff.

"You know that mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble someday." He got close to her and whispered the last part in her ear. She moved away from him and walked away, but not before turning around and flipping him off. She payed for the stuff and walked out the store. She stopped for a bit to check her phone for the list, looking to see if she missed anything.

"What the hell are you doing?" Olive looked up to see Kyler pushing the boy through the door. "Why you gotta blow up my spot?!" Kyler threw the boy on the grass.

She walked up to them to try and stop Kyler from hurting the kid. "Kyler leave him alone." She told the boy. She stepped closer but Brucks wrapped his arms around her waist to stop her from going any closer. "Let me go you ass!" She tried to push him off but was no use.

Kyler began to look through the bag that the boy had dropped. "Ooh what do we got here? Pepto?" Kyler held up the pink bottle of Pepto Bismol and the boy just looked down.

"Oh shit, someone's got freaking diarrhea!" The boys began to laugh at him. Olive tried to push out of Brucks grip but he was holding her really tight and he was stronger than her. "You're a jerk!" She yelled at Kyler.

"Hey, we should call him Rhea." Brucks laughed as he held Olive closer to him. She kept moving trying to get away from his grip but it was no use. "Give it back dude. It's for my grandma!" The boy tried pleading with Kyler. She felt bad for the boy there wasn't anything that she could do to help him especially with the sweaty gorilla holding her.

"Oh, it's for your grandma?" Kyler faked sympathy for the boy, reaching out to give the bottle to the boy only to pull it back just as fast. "Shit, I'm sorry man." Kyler said while twisting the cap of the bottle. He started to walk towards the boy. "Hey, you want it? Hey, you can take all that shit?"

"Kyler what the fuck is wrong with you asshole?!" Olive yelled over Kyler as he poured the Pepto on the boys head.

"Shut up Olive or you're next!" Kyler looked at the girl with a smirk. She glared at him, while pushing on Brucks arm. He let go of her and pushed her to the ground.

"Asshole." She looked at the boy, letting out a sigh. Wondering why he would say that making things worse for himself.

"What'd you say Rhea?" Kyler turned around and walked towards the both of them.

"He didn't say anything." She tried to tell Kyler and calm him down. When Kyler reached the boy he punched him in the stomach. Olive let out a gasp and covered her mouth. The boy fell to the ground but got back up, Brucks pushed him into a car that was parked nearby.

"Where you going pussy?"

"Hey!" Olive turned to see an older man standing up. He was the man that was inside the store talking to the boy. Did he watch everything. Why didn't he try and help sooner?

"Watch the car, man."

"Who's this dude?"

"Just leave the dork and the girl alone." He told the boys. Olive made her way over to the boy to make sure he was okay. The boy looked at her and gave her a small smile.

"You see this guy? Eating his dinner at the mini mart like a bum." Olive felt bad for the man who was just trying to defend what was his.

"Wait, I think I know this guy. He's the jerk-off that cleaned my dads septic tank." Kyler told the rest of the boys causing them all to start laughing at the man.

"That explains why he smells like shit." Brucks stated. Olive felt a hand grab hers and she looked down to see the boys hand in her own, the boy pulled her behind the man.

"Trust me, you guys are pissing off the wrong guy on the wrong day all right?" The man told the group of boys while walking up to them slowly. Kyler not backing out started to walk towards the man as well.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, really."

"Get the hell out of here loser." Kyler pushed the man, his pizza flying out of his hands. The pizza landed in front of the girl and boy, they both looked at each other and back at the man. The man kicked Kyler in the face. Olive and the boy watched in shock as the man beat the hell out of the boys.

"Holy shit. How did you-" The boy next to her started asking before the boy could finish Kyler tackled the man from behind. Kyler got in a punch to the mans stomach before pulling him up in a choke hold.

"What's the matter? Having trouble breathing?" Kyler got in a snarky comment before he was flipped over the mans shoulder. He stood with his arms spread looking at the four boys laying in the ground.

"Is that all you got ladies?" Brucks helped pick up Kyler from the ground, trying to pull him away from the man. Kyler still decided to launch towards the man throwing a punch that the man easily ducked. There where punches and kicks being thrown everywhere but the man ended up having Kyler in a chokehold. "What's the matter? Having trouble breathing?"

Olive turned to look that a police car was approaching before she had time to warn the man. The police officers got out the car yelling at the man to let Kyler go.

"Hey, it's not his fault!" The boy next to me yelled at the police officers as they peppered sprayed the man.  Olive held onto the boys arm making sure he didn't run towards the police officers. One of the police officers knocked out the man. They took him away to the police station leaving her and the boy alone.

"I'm Miguel, by the way." The boy told her, she turned to look at him and smiled. "I'm Olive it's nice to meet you." They talked for a bit and she found out he had just moved here and was in the same grade as her. They both ended up going back home.



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