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Olive woke up and her head was kind of hurting. She hasn't been getting much sleep in the past few days. Ever since Halloween night, sleeping hasn't been the easiest thing for her to do. She hasn't told anyone about what happened. Not her mom. Or Miguel. Or Demetri. Especially not Eli. She didn't want them to think different of her. She looked at the time on her phone and saw a text from Eli. He was thanking her for yesterday, she smiled down at her phone and replied to him.

She was happy that he was opening up to her more, he would still get a bit nervous around her and he would still cover his lip but maybe with time it'll go away. She got up and went to brush her teeth and change clothes. She heard her phone ring and went to see who it was. She had a message from Miguel and Eli. Eli asked her if she wanted to go get ice cream later on. Miguel was reminding her that she promised to go see him train at the dojo. She answered them both, she told Eli that she's wasn't going to be able to go because she promised Miguel something.

Olive got to the dojo and walked inside to see Miguel with a man. She looked at the man and recognized him. He was the man that had helped them at the mini mart.

"Wait, you didn't tell me that he was the one teaching you karate." The girl looked at Miguel. Miguel walked up to her and hugged her quickly.

"Sensei this is my friend Olive. She's here to watch me train." Miguel told the man. To her surprise he didn't mind her staying to watch. His name was Johnny, Miguel told her that he use to do karate as a teenager as well. Miguel was doing pretty good for someone who was being yelled at. The bell from the door dinged and she turned to look at who it was. She looked and saw Aisha, she was shocked to see her here.

"No yoga till five." Johnny told Aisha. Olive turned to look at the man confused. "No matter how bad you need it."

"Actually I'm here for karate." Aisha told him while walking up to the mat. "I saw your website. It said that there was supposed to be a session today."

"I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai." Johnny told her making Miguel and Olive look at him, rolling her eyes at him. Miguel shook his head in disappointment.

"Same reason there aren't women in the Army. Doesn't make sense." She turned to look at the man in confusion, wondering if he knew that there were indeed women in the army.

"Uh, Sensei, I need to show you something in the office." Miguel told Johnny. They both walked towards the office, leaving the girl alone with Aisha.

"I think it's badass that you want to do karate." Olive told Aisha. She knew how bad the kids at school treated her and if taking karate would help her with that she was happy for her.

"Thanks! It sucks that he doesn't want girls in his dojo." She said.

"Maybe Miguel can change his mind." She tried to make her feel better about it.

Sometime passed and Miguel and Johnny walked out of the office.

"Okay, take off your shoes. Hop on the mat." Aisha looked at Olive, making the girl shrug at her. Aisha took her shoes off and stepped onto the mat. "Ok, after further review, I've decided to allow female students. But if you want to be in Cobra Kai, you can't act like a girl." He told Aisha who stood in front of him.

"How do girls act?"

"You know, all emotional, loud, complain-y. Never let you finish a sentence." Olive looked at Johnny with her eyebrows raised.

"Sounds a bit like you." Olive told the Johnny, causing him to look at her and glare. She raised her hands and laughed at him.

"My student tells me you have been harassed at school." He looked at Aisha. Hearing him say that made her think of Halloween night. It gave her goosebumps when she thought of it. She turned her attention back to Johnny and Aisha.

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