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Olive was sitting on her bed, she had just finished getting ready to head to the dojo. Her phone dinged and she picked it up to see 'E<3' pop up on her screen. She opened the message and it was Eli telling her not to wait for him to go to the dojo. He said he was going to go on his own later on. It was weird to her, they would always go together to the dojo. Olive wondered what he could possibly be doing.

She replied to him and got her stuff ready to leave. She told her mom that she was going to go out and she'll be back later. She ended up getting to the dojo, it was still weird not showing up with Eli. Olive saw Miguel and walked over to him.

"Hey, Olive." He smiled at her and then looked around. "Where's Eli? Did he quit?" He asked her.

"Oh, no I don't know where he is but he said he was going to show up later." She shrugged at him.

"Fall in!" The two of them turned and saw Johnny, they went to line up in front of Johnny.

"Three more absences, Sensei." Miguel didn't look at Johnny in his eyes, instead he looked down.

"Bunch of pussies." Olive turned towards Aisha, raising her eyebrows.

"No, it's my fault." That caused Olive to look at Miguel with a confused look. Was he really going to apologize? "Since you joined Cobra Kai, I have been hard on you. I've called you names. I've humiliated you. Some of you I've hit. And for that, I don't apologize." Olive held back her smile, as he kept on talking.

"Cobra Kai is about strength. If you're not strong on the inside, you can't be strong on the outside. And right now, you're all weak. And I know that because I was you. I used to have no friends. I used to be the weirdo kid. Not that weird. I hooked up with babes and all but..." Olive smiled while rolling her eyes at his attempt to be nice.

"The point is, I wasn't always the badass sensei I am today. Just like a cobra, I had to shed my loser skin to find my true power. And you guys will too." He looked around at the students, looking at them carefully.

Olive stayed focused on Johnny, when the she heard the door chime. Someone had just walked into the dojo.

"Welcome to Cobra Kai." Johnny told the person that had just walked in. Everyone turned to look who it was, except for her.

"Eli, what happened?" Olive finally turned around to look at Eli, she had to move forward a bit to get a better look. He looked completely different, she would of never thought that it was Eli. His style was completely different from what he would normally wear,and his hair was styled into a mohawk. And it was dyed blue. She couldn't lie, he definitely looked hot.

"I'm flipping the script." His voice was different as well, it wasn't quiet and soft anymore. It was more confident and hot.

"Wait, are you the kid with the lip?" Johnny walked towards Eli, clearly impressed. "Nice cute, bro. You see that? Doesn't matter if you're a loser or a nerd or a freak. All that matters is that you become badass. Hawk. Fall in."

Olive couldn't stop looking at him, she couldn't believe that was her Eli. He stood there, confidence bouncing off of him. She took a deep breath when he catched her gaze. Instead of blushing like he normally would, he kept his gaze. She saw a small smirk appear on his face and he sent her a wink. It made her feel some type of way and her stomach immediately got butterflies. She looked away with a smile on her face.

"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No, Sensei." Eli replied to Johnny's question, folding his arms behind his back.

"Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?"

"No, Sensei." Miguel looked ahead as Johnny walked towards Olive.

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