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Three days had passed from the incident at the Halloween dance. Eli and her had gotten closer in these three days she would go to his house or they would go get ice cream at their favorite place. Miguel invited her to eat dinner with his mom and grandma last night. He would get bored since he can't do karate anymore. After Brucks did what he did to her, Kyler and him and some other boys beat up Miguel. Now his mom won't let him do karate.

Olive was sitting with the boys at the library. She sat next to Eli.

"So that's it? No more karate?" Demetri asked Miguel.

"I guess so." Miguel told the boy, trying to focus on his work.

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence." Demetri told the boy, Olive rolled her eyes and looked up to look at Demetri.

"Isn't that a good thing?" She asked him.

"No. What has confidence ever gotten anybody expect for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?" She didn't know what to tell the boy so she just went back to finishing her work.

"Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler." Olive looked up to see Eli praising Miguel for his confidence.

"Are you insane? Let me ask you. What is the best superpower anyone can have?"

"Super strength."

"Telekinesis." Her and Miguel answered at the same time causing them to smile at each other.

"Wrong. Invisibility." Olive rolled her eyes and went to back to her assignment, trying to focus. "A distant second would be super speed to run away fast."

"Run away from who?" Olive knew who the voice belonged to as soon as they spoke. She could feel her heart beat start to beat faster. She knew he was close by as well.

"Whom." It was him. Olive refused to look up from her assignment. She felt her that burning sensation in her chest and it was like her heart was going to beat out of her chest. "It's the object of a preposition. Remember English class-" The three boys quickly got up from their seats to leave.

"We were just leaving. Come on Olive." Miguel grabbed her arm to help her up. She got up from her seat but she didn't look up to see them. She didn't want to see him at all. It was too hard for her.

"Hey, where you going?" Olive finally looked up and saw Kyler holding Eli from the back of his head. "Oh, look at this freak." With his other hand he grabbed Eli by the jaw and tilted his head up so they could get a better look at the scar. Olive could feel herself get upset at what they were doing to Eli. "What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?"

She felt a bit of confidence and spoke up. "I would." They all turned to look at her. Kyler and Brucks looked like if they had just realized she was standing there.

"Oh shit, no way. Freak here got himself a girlfriend?" Kyler laughed looking at Olive then at Eli.

"Damn, I never thought you would turn out to be a slut Olive." She finally looked towards Brucks and he had a smirk on his face. "But really him?" He said pointing at Eli.

"He's a far better person than the both of you combined." She told them both. Kyler took a step towards her, glaring at her.

"Leave them alone." Miguel spoke up to defend Eli and her. Kyler pushed Eli out of the way to get to Miguel.

"What'd you say?" Olive moved behind Miguel as Kyler walked closer to the boy. "You haven't had enough Rhea?" Brucks reached out and pushed Miguel making him bump into Olive, she put her hands on his back to steady him. "Yeah. Get the hell out of here man." Kyler pushed Miguel's head so he could walk away. Olive looked at Eli and grabbed his arm pulling him with her. "Hey, you don't want this shit man."

Olive turned around to see that Kyler had taken Demetris backpack. "No, come on. Not the trash. I just threw a..." Before he could finish Kyler dumped his backpack in the trash can. "...yogurt in there."

"Now, it's double dipped." As Demetri pulled his backpack out of the bin. Olive noticed Sam watching what just happened. They made eye contact and Sam looked at the girl with a pity look. Demetri walked towards Olive and she grabbed his arm walking with him out of the library.


The rest of the day went pretty fast for her. She went over to Eli's after school to hang out with him. Eli had sent her a message that the door was going to be unlocked so she could walk in. When she got to his house the door was unlocked and she entered. She felt a bit weird not knocking but oh well. She went up the stairs to his room and knocked.

Olive heard his voice from the other side of the door. "Come in." He told her.

She walked in and Eli was sitting on his bed with his legs stretched out. He looked sad and she knew it was because of what had happened at the library. She sat on the corner of the bed and turned to look at him.

"Eli." She called out to him, whispering.

He didn't answer her so she turned around and took her shoes off so she could get closer to him. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable so she maintained a good distance.

"Are you okay?" She asked him, she put her hand on top of his to give him comfort. He looked down at there hands and then up at her. He turned away and put his finger over his scar to cover it. Olive grabbed his hand and pulled away from his face.

"Don't do that. You know you don't have to hide it with me. I thought I told you that it was pretty." She told the boy, he looked like something was bugging him.

"Eli don't let them get to you. You know Kyler is an asshole. He doesn't know what he's talking about." She tried to reassure him but it didn't seem to be working. Eli's eyes started to tear up.

"He's always going to bother me because I'm a loser. A freak." He said quietly. She could hear it in his voice, he was hurting and badly.

"That's not true. You're not a loser or a freak. You're Eli and you're worth so much more than they ever will." She put a hand on his cheek and turned his head so he could face her. She wiped some of his tears off his face, smiling at him. She wrapped her arms around him to hug him. She could feel some of his tears falling on her back.

"Shhh its okay Eli. Everything's going to be okay I promise." The boy started sobbing even harder in her arms. She hated seeing him hurt. He didn't deserve this. She hated Kyler and Brucks for breaking him.

They stayed like that for a while, she would play with his hair to comfort him. She could feel him calming down in her arms, his breathing was slowing down. Olive felt the boys grip loosen around her and she let go of him. She looked at the boy and his eyes were red and puffy from crying so much. He looked tired as well, he laid down on the pillow. She got up from the bed to look at her phone, she saw the time.

Olive got up from the bed and looked down at Eli, his eyes were closing little by little. She crouched down and kissed his cheek.

"Sleep Eli." She fixed his hair and put her hand on his cheek before getting up to leave.

She looked at him one last time and smiled at how peaceful he looked when he was asleep. He really was something else. He was special.

He was becoming the most important person to her.

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