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Olive was walking with Demetri and Eli to the dojo, somehow Miguel had convinced them to give karate a chance. When they got closer to the dojo, Olive noticed all the kids standing outside. She guessed that after Miguel's fight with Kyler in the cafeteria, it convinced kids to try karate out. Demetri was complaining to Eli about how this was a bad idea.

"You saw how Miguel fought Kyler, it might be cool to try it." Eli told him.

"Yeah, you can't back out now! Don't be such a wuss." Olive walked towards him and ruffled his hair, making Eli laugh.

She saw Miguel and they walked up to him.

"Hey!" She gave him a quick hug,Eli and Demetri said a quick hello to him.

"You still up for dinner at my place today?" Miguel turned to look at her.

"Oh, um yeah i don't think im doing anything later." She told him.

"Okay, cool we can go after training."

She nodded her head at him as the four of them walked inside the dojo. It was pretty loud in there since all the students were talking over each other.

"Quiet!" All the students stopped talking and turned to look at the man in black. "Face front." Olive stood in between Miguel and Eli, looking at Johnny. "Nice shirt." She heard him tell Demetri as he was walking around looking at the students.


"I'm joking. It sucks." Olive had to hold in her laugh as he picked on Demetri for a bit. He kept going around looking at the students and judging them. Olive turned to look at Eli and he was already looking at her. She smiled at him and gave him a small wink, making him look away while blushing.

"When I look around this dojo, I don't see Cobra Kai material. I see losers, I see nerds. I see a fat kid with a funny hat with his tits popping out. But in my short time as sensei, I've also seen some miracles." He paused for a bit and looked over at Miguel. "So, maybe there's some hope for you yet. But, first I need to see where you're at. So everybody fall in." None of the students moved, not quite sure what that meant. "That means line up."

All of the students started to form lines behind Miguel and Aisha. She tried not to laugh at them, Olive felt someone grab her hand and she knew right away who it was. It was Eli, she knew because of the feeling. His hands were soft and always warm and they fit perfectly with hers.

"No,not...not line up in a line. Lines! Get in lines."

"You mean like rows?" Olive laughed under her breath at Johnny. This was going to be a long practice.

"Fighting positions!" They all got into a fighting position, Eli and Demetri looked at her to see how she was doing it. "Jab punch. Nope, wait till I say go." He stayed quiet for a moment and then he spoke up again. "Hiyah!" Olive leaned forward throwing a punch, waiting to see if she was doing it right. They kept throwing punches and Johnny kept picking at some of the students. Until he said something that caught her attention. "Hey,lip." Olive stopped punching and froze in place, dreading what he was going to tell him. "Yeah, you. The one with the freaky lip. Who do you think I'm talking to?"

"Excuse me, uh, Mr. Lawrence."

"Sensei Lawrence!" Aisha correct Demetri, making him let out a sarcastic ok.

"You really shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance."

"Oh, is that so?" Johnny walked up to Demetri. "So, I'm not supposed to mention his lip at all?"

"Well, yeah." Demetri looked at the man like if he had no common sense.

"Maybe that's what they teach you at school, but in the real world, you can't expect people to do what they're supposed to do. Alright? You hear that lip?"

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