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"You've trained hard." Johnny stood on top of a van in the middle of a junkyard, an open beer on his hand. "You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?"

"Yes, Sensei!" Olive and the rest of the students stood below him, not sure why they were there.

"Wrong!" Olive jumped back as Johnny threw the can of beer down at their feet. "Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the All Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worse. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sensei!" Olive agreed with the rest of the students, still not quite sure what Johnny was talking about.

"Are you losers?" Johnny walked from one end of the van to the other, looking at each and every one of his students.

"No, Sensei!"

"Are you nerds?"

"No, Sensei!"

"Are you sure?"

"No, Sensei!" Olive couldn't help but laugh at Johnny's face, making him look at her and glare. That made the other students laugh and she laughed harder.

"Move those feet!" Olive was running behind Hawk through an obstacle course. The first was tires that the group had to run through. "Go! Go! Go!" Aisha, Miguel, Hawk and Olive finished the tire obstacle and got back in line to do it again. "Let's go, squirt. Good job, buddy"

They were up again. Aisha was leading then went Miguel, Hawk and then Olive. They were doing great until Aisha tripped on one of the tires.

"Whoa!" The four of them fell on top of each other, Olive landed on top of Hawk and his elbow hit her stomach. She rolled off of Hawk's back holding her stomach.

"Sorry." Hawk told her, checking if she was okay. She just smiled at him and went back to doing the next task.

The next thing on Johnny's agenda was handing them bats so they could destroy all of the junk cars.

"You're enemies are all around you. Destroy them!"

Olive walked up to a white car and hit the windshield with the bat. The glass cracked but it didn't break so she hit it again and again. She couldn't explain the relief she felt when she saw the glass breaking into a million pieces.

"Olive! Look at this!" She looked up and saw Hawk and Miguel, who were standing in a large window of the abandoned building. They leaned down, picking up a huge metal slab and threw it out a window onto a car. She covered herself behind another car as the glass shattered into small pieces.

"That was so cool!" The boys both smiled at her and then high fived each other.

The next task was then walking across a wood beam that was above a bunch of sharp metal and broken glass, hoping they wouldn't fall.

"Go! Attaboy!" Miguel had decided to go across first, holding his arms out to keep his balance. He almost lost balance a few times, quickly regaining it and jumping off the end. Olive decided that she would go next, she stuck her arms out like Miguel. "Come on, princess! Move it!"

Olive quickly walked across the beam but lost her balance as she was reaching the end. Miguel noticed and he grabbed her hand, pulling her to him so she wouldn't fall. "There's nothing to fear except for fear itself. That and falling in sharp metal and broken glass, so don't do that!" Hawk lost his balance but he tried to get it back by sticking one foot out.

When he got off the beam, Olive turned and smiled at him making him send her a proud smirk.

The last thing that Johnny had in mind was unknown to the students. He pulled out a bag of beef jerky and bit into one.

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