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Date: 10th December, 2015

As I sit here, writing this entry, my mind flooding with thoughts and my emotions on high, I didn't know what else to do. Tonight was suppose to be a night of fun and all round happiness as I'm about to celebrate with work colleagues, on a year well done at our Christmas dinner. Instead, I'm greeted with news, I definitely wasn't expecting.

Though we were no longer together, the thought of it all happening during our relationship hit me like a tone of bricks. How could he be so selfish and inconsiderate? How could I be so naive and foolish? To think I was trying to at least keep the friendship, now it's like I can't even do that anymore. I'm done!

At this point, it's time I start focusing on me, loving me and doing what's best for me. I don't deserve what he's put me through and I'm no longer accepting it.

Time to start loving and living for Chrysta!


Distracted by the sound of my phone vibrating continuously, seeing who it was, I closed my journal and answered the call.


"Everything good with you?"

"Yeah. Why you asked?"

"I got an off feeling and decided to call you. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm trying to be."

"You want to talk about it?"

"Not right now. I just want to get ready for tonight and I can use your company while I do that."

"Hmm. What did he do?"

"I'll explain when I see you."

"When you see me? Does that mean you're taking up my offer?"

"Yes I am. I need to get away for a bit."

"It's that bad?"

"It's not bad, but it's overwhelming."

"Alright. Well I'll organize everything and send you the information."

"You know you don't have too."

"I know but I got you regardless."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome love."

Switching up the conversation as I did my makeup, I told him what colour I was wearing, before slipping into my dress.

"What do you think?"

Stepping back so he could see my complete look, he smiled before responding.

"I should be there to accompany you."

"I wish you were, honestly."

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