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"Chrys, is Celeste's bag packed?"

"Yeah babe. It's right over there."

Pointing at the chair in the corner of her room, he nodded before picking it up.

"Yuh putting it in the car?"

"Nah, I'm gonna unpack it." He said sarcastically.


"Ion know why ya ask me obvious questions."

"Watch me stop ask altogether." I mumbled.

"I heard that."


As I busied myself, tidying up her room, I paused and smiled at her as she slept in her crib.

With today being her baptism, I hoped that she would be calm in church today like she has been since New Year's Day

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With today being her baptism, I hoped that she would be calm in church today like she has been since New Year's Day. Turning around, I was startled by the presence of my husband as he stood there just staring at me.

"Jesus Christ August."


"Why are you just standing there staring at me?"

"I'm tryna figure out what's going on with you."

"Nothing is going on with me." I sighed lightly.

"There you go with the subtle attitude. Whatever it is you got going on, deal with it before we leave here. Don't be letting the devil in unnecessarily especially today."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Since you woke up you been had an attitude. Ion know why but whatever it is, you better fix it because I ain't dealing with it today."

After he said that he walked off. Rolling my eyes, I sighed then sat. Aug was right, I did wake up in a bit of a mood and I've been trying to figure out the reason for it all morning.

"Shake it off Chrysta. Whatever it is, shake it off."

Exhaling, I got up and checked on my daughter.

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