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"I don't see why you're packing everything."

"What do you mean?" I laughed.

"Babe, you can leave these things here. It's not like you're never coming back."

Sitting on the bed, I exhaled. It was overwhelming having to pack to go back home and he was making sense.

"Okay, I'll leave these here and pack simple a baby bag."

"Thank you." He kissed me on my cheek. "I'll put these things back. You go and organize that bag and don't wake my son."

"Yes sir." I laughed as I left the room.

Since being back from the weekend at the lake, surprisingly the energy in the house was positive. I knew how his moods would switch up randomly and I thought that would have happened seeing as we were leaving tomorrow.

Glancing at our son as he slept, I couldn't help but smile. He was so beautiful. To this day, I couldn't believe that I made that little being. Finished packing his baby bag, I leaned over his crib and kissed him before taking the bag and heading out. As I stood at the top of the stairs, the door bell rang.

"Babe you left the main gate open?"

"Yeah, for when T gets here. That's probably him."

"Okay cool. I'll get it."

Jogging down, I placed the baby bag in the family room before getting the door, but it wasn't Terrence.

"Oh, hi." I paused.

"Umm. Hi. Is August home?"

"Yeah. Let me get him. Who to say it is?"



Turning around, just as I was about to call him, he was coming down the stairs.

"What's up?" He looked at me.

"An Anja is here to see you." I excused myself from the door.

"Aight." He nodded.

Giving them some privacy, I went into the kitchen where I was initially heading. Going into the pantry, I got out the ingredients I needed to make lunch. Aside from Terrence, Kevin and some other people were coming over. Though it wasn't much and Aug was insisting on buying food, the urge to cook was strong.

"I thought we agreed to order food?"

"I know but I want to cook."

"I'm not even going to fight you. You do your thing." He kissed me on my cheek.

"Thanks babe." I smiled.

"You're welcome. Need me to do anything?"

"Nah. I'm good here."

"Aight. Well if you need me, I'm in my studio."


Taking a bottle of water and a snack from his pantry, I watched as he left the kitchen. Getting back into what I was doing, I got into prepping and cooking.


"What's going on with you?"

Glancing over my shoulder, Kevin stood by the counter.

"Nothing, why?"

"You've been unusually quiet all evening."

"I haven't. I just don't have anything to say."

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