"So she didn't even apologize?"
"That girl said nothing. Just got out of my Jeep and went into her place."
"So you're sending her the bill right? She damaged it."
"Nah. I'm just going to cut my losses. I spoke to my painter already and he said he can fit me in tomorrow."
"I still think you should should send her the bill Kev. She scratched your vehicle, she should pay for it."
"I know but shit ain't worth that mess. I don't even know why I went out with her to begin with." He shook his head.
"Ah shit!" I let out unexpectedly then hissed in slight pain.
"Everything good?"
"Yeah. He just have this habit of rubbing his gums on the nipple." I shook my head.
Adjusting my son as he nursed, I fixed the cloth I had covering the top of my breast while I went back to my conversation with Kevin. Continuing with his horrible dating story, I just felt bad for him.
"So the conversation was dead, she had poor table manners and she scratched your Jeep. Where did you even find this girl?"
"In church bruh." He yelled then laughed. "Like a few Sundays when I went, I'd notice her glancing at me so I decided to make the advance. I ain't think sis was that bad."
"She probably came to church in hopes of finding a man."
"For real."
"Well, you dodged a bullet. It costed you but you dodged it."
"For real." He and I laughed. "What's the good with you?"
"Nothing really. Just work and this little one and his dad."
"Okay, okay. How's that going?"
"This past week was great." I exhaled.
"Hmmm. Something's up."
"I love the visits, I just hate when they come to an end."
"I understand. You ever considered migrating?"
"I've thought about it but I can't right now. I have a lot happening in my own life, that the way things are now, are how it has to be."
"I get that. You'll be fine though. Thanksgiving is gonna be just now and I know if you want to just come out there Aug won't say no."
"That is true. I guess it's just to adjust to this whole arrangement."
"Babe have you seen my chain?" Aug came in asking.
"It's on the dresser."
"You on a call?" He asked as he got it.
"Yeah, with Kevin." I said which he then turned around.
"Wassup goon?"
"Hey man." He then answered.
Going back to what he was doing, Kevin and I continued our conversation. Finished nursing, I adjusted my top before lifting baby Aug and putting him on my shoulder to burp. Adjusting my phone, I was now looking at Kevin as the phone was previously laying flat.
"Anyway Kevin. I need to put this little one down for his nap, then eat. Send that girl the bill."
"Whatever." He chuckled. "Kiss that little one for me and thanks for listening."

Two Worlds Apart
ActionAn unlikely friendship turned into something more when two paths are crossed. Both from different world's trying to cope with the reality of their lives and make things work. Copyright © 2016 by Chrystal-Ann Eversley. All rights reserved. This book...