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Sitting, watching the children, including my son, open their Christmas gifts, my heart was filled. The girls were helping him and creating all the excitement for him.

 The girls were helping him and creating all the excitement for him

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"I still can't believe you got him that bike." Chandra laughed. "I'd expect that from Aug, not you sis."

"Girl, I don't even know what possessed me to buy it but he likes it and it will add to his collection."

"Here you go ma."

Looking over my shoulder, Aug stood there with a plate in front of me.

"Thank you babe."

"Ya welcome. Cha?"

Taking hers, she then said thanks before he went for his and joined us. As expected, our son abandoned his toys and came over to me for some of my breakfast. Sharing with him, he then moved over to Chandra.

"Lah boy? Stop begging." Aug spoke making us laugh.

Laughing, he ran over to his father and hugged his knee. Feeding him from his plate, Aug lifted and sat him on his leg.

"So wait? How all y'all eating and we ain't?" Kayden asked.

"Because y'all are taken up in opening them gifts." Chandra shrugged.

"I'm hungry now." Amaiya stood up.

"Then go serve yourself." Aug said as he continued eating.

"I'll help allyuh." I got up.

Walking by, I kissed our son on his cheek, causing him to blush.

"So what about me?" Aug asked. "I gave you him."

"So childish." I rolled my eyes.

Doubling back, he got his kissed and smiled feeling accomplished. Entering the kitchen area, the girls looked lost as to where to get things.

"I know, I'm still getting accustom." I laughed.

Directing them to the plates, cups and other utensils, I stood by and watched as they served themselves. It was interesting seeing the girls interact and even enjoy Trini food. There were times where I was willing to do American style food and they would reject the offer, which was quiet funny.

"Chrysta? Will you teach us how to fry bake?" Chay asked.

"Sure. We can tomorrow."

"Nice." She smiled and nodded.

Once they were finished, I packed up the extras in containers and set them on the dining table for anyone who may want more and got started on Christmas lunch.

"About to start cooking?"

"Yeah. That way I can finish in a good time." I answered Aug.

"What's on the menu?"

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