1. Cihan

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The grass next to the path to the castle grounds was littered with the most stunning flowers. Cihan promised himself to pick some on his way back. They would bring some color to the small little room they lived in for the past four days.
The big city of Cahnarr was something he was having trouble getting used to. Especially now that Aspen stayed at the guard barracks during the week. Being alone wasn't something he liked. He liked being around people, peferably people he loved. He was having more night terrors he would ever tell Aspen about. He didn't want to make him feel more guilt.

Asper already felt horrible for dragging him all the way over here. Even though he did it happily because he knew what kind of a change this was. Becoming a royal guard meant more money and stability than being a soldier. Even if he was promoted to sergeant.
It also meant moving to the capital. And even though Cihan didn't like being around so many strangers. And that he was a little frightened to walk around alone. It was something he was willing to do for his big brother.

He owed him that. He owed him way more than that!
Cihan came upon the training ground were a lot of men and woman were busy training. Standing frozen and to afraid to move a muscle at the sound of clashing swords and grunts, he felt his hands beginning to shake.

Just breath.

Just breath!

Just find Aspen.

He clasped his hands tighter around the paper package he took with him and took a little step back. He didn't see the dirty blond wild locks of his Ashaj anywhere.
He was almost regretting coming here in the first place when he startled from a loud huffing noise right behind him.
He might or might not have jumped a little.
He spun around and the grey horse behind him shook his head wild at the movement.

There were three horses, with men on their backs. Cihan hurried himself out of the way. Hanging his head in fear. He didn't like royals. Or soldiers. They brought him nothing about bad memories.

"Well hello lovely, what are you doing around here? Don't think I ever saw you before." The man with the bright red hair leaned a bit foreword and grinned to him. His smile meant nothing but trouble. He looked to be in his twenty's and his green eyes sparkled with mischief. Freckles shattered over his skin made it hard to pick a point to look at.

Cihan felt his cheeks burn. Looking around a bit unsure on how he should answer the men. He didn't want to talk to them.
"Don't scare the poor boy, Isaac. Seeing your horrible face probably made him wanne run for the hills." An other one said. He was wearing the same leather clothes as the others, some kind of uniform, with a deep blue cape over his shoulders. The royal emblem on their chest.

"I am very sorry. I was just looking for someone..." Cihan mumbled. Taking a couple of steps back and preparing to take a run for it.
"Who, might I ask, are you looking for then?" The last one asked. His hair was dark blond and long, half of it tight together in a little bun. The rest of it fell to his shoulders.
He looked absolutely handsome!

Men from Duran, the place he had grown up in never did anything like that. If your hair was longer than your hand you needed to cut it or you would get cut down yourself. He wasn't wearing the same uniform like the guards. But his clothes looked just as fancy. He was sitting on his horse like he did so every day. Upright and looking like ... like a lord or king would. His eyes bright blue and absolutely captivating. He felt like he couldn't look away but he should.
"Aspen Hehrendael, my lord." Cihan wasn't sure who this people were but he wasn't gonna risk getting his hands cut of.

He really wanted to leave.

"Aspen? What do you want that bastard for." The redhead nagged. Cihan looked up with a furious glare. He immediately regretted it. One should never look at people who carry swords like that.
"Excuse me." He hissed. He made a short bow and strode away.
He shouldn't have come. He would just have to wait two more days then Asper would come home.

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