15. Luca

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"No your not. The medirean king is coming here. The changes are Cihan will return with them. You'll need to be here for their arrival anyways. Do you really want to risk missing Cihan. And breaking your promise." His father raised a challenging eyebrow.
Luca shook his head and deflated once again.

"No... " he sighed.
"I guess I won't go there. I will stay."
His father nodded and patted his shoulder.
"I know it's hard. But you have to hold on a little longer."
Luca nodded.
"I know... it just hurts.. I wish there was a way I could just speak with him even though we are so far apart. A way that I might even see his face and just speak with him without waiting months for an answer."
His father sighed.
"Wouldn't that be nice indeed."
Luca hummed.

They heard the chatter of his siblings coming down the hallway and he straightened himself out. It was no use if the others saw him like this. He was to be king one day. He shouldn't show weakness in front of anyone but the people he trusted.

Cihan please come home soon, I don't know how I'll live without you.

The time trickled by. His little sister had a ball in the honor of her sixth birthday. It was grand and lovely. Luca would pick her up in his arms and dance her around. The out coming season had arrived and hundreds of invitations arrived to all kind of parties, balls and other things he didn't want to go to. Without Cihan it was truly horrible. Every single volture who was after his throne was on him. And because Cihan was not present they thought they could try and persuade him to peruse them. Ridiculous.

The lady of kernam happened to be present at every single one he decided to go to. And was bothering him beyond comprehension.
"Do you think we would get in trouble if we had her killed?" Luca asked at Isaac.
"As long as no one knows it was us!" Luca grinned.
Then sighed deeply.
"The medirean king will arrive tomorrow. Who knows Cihan will be with him." Isaac tried to cheer him up.
Luca nodded.
"Do you think we have been here long enough."
"Your the crown prince of the country. You are the one to decide you've been here long enough."
Luca smiled.
"Great let's leave."

After saying their goodbyes to whoever held the ball they ordered the coach to come and drove back tot the palace. The mansion was not that far away so Luca couldn't even try and get some sleep.
"I wonder why he didn't send any messages."
"Perhaps it was just because of the storm season. Don't overthink it."
Luca hummed.

Perhaps... but everything involving Cihan made him feel less like a mature crown prince and more like a love struck teen boy who didn't have a clue to what he was doing.

Just one night. And then maybe his love would return.

He did not return with the king...

Isaac went out with Aspen early in the morning with a group of guards to escort the king safely from the harbor to the castle. Aspen rode out in front to relay the message of their arrival.
When finally the clattering of the horse on the cable stones came luca had to restrain himself from rushing forward.
Aspen jumped of his horse and went to the place where luca was waiting.
He just shook his head once.
"They are here any minute." Luca could only nod back and went inside to retrieve his family.
Like always when royalty arrived they would stand on the top of the steps. Luca right next to his fathers. They all wore their 'fancy' clothes.
Luca was to used to wearing ordinary guard uniforms. And his dad usually was to be found in the gardens. He never wore his royal clothes unless it was absolutely necessary. Today was one of those days. All dressed up in royal blue with brons accents .

Elisabeth was wiggling next to Iro in her pretty brons dress. Luca slammed his elbow in his brothers side who grunted and then did the same to his twin.
Iron gave them a deadly glare but like a good brother grabbed his nervous sisters hand. They could pretend all they wanted. They already kissed the ground the little princess walked on.

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