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Cihan looked like a mess. His face was covered in bruises and old dried blood. Like he had been to war twice in there past view days. His lip was split. His beautiful face littered with bruises. The worst part was that he needed stitches. His face needed two and his side a total of eight. Like someone stabbed him...

Luca almost blushed when he took of his shirt and He got to look at his perfect naked skin, but his brother was right next to the prince and he looked like he broke a rib.
"You have two broken ribs. You will need to stay in bed for at least a good week. And not lift anything or do anything ... weird for the next six."
Cihan nodded but no one believed him. Cihan didn't even flinch when she started stitching him up. Like he had done this before and the pain didn't bother him and it made Luca fall still and wish he could have protected him.

"When did this happen?" Tamar was the royal healer. She was the one reserved for the royal family only. But Elliot had only smirked once and Aspen didn't seem to notice. He was busy glaring at him little brother like he had done this before.
Had he?

"Uh I think it was a Monday." Cihan said.
"You mean you got a broken rib the same day you got fired?" Aspen asked.
Tamar shook her head.
"Have you been resting it?"
Cihan smiled kindly.
"I assume that is a no. Where are you living and is there someone to take care of you."
He was not leaving this palace. The only one leaving this palace was Luca with a small group of men to commit murder.
Elliot placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I think so."
"He has no such thing." Aspen interrupted him.
"I do!"
"Come on Aspen I have been sleeping under the stars for ten years. I think I'll manage a few more days until I'll find something."
Luca stilled. Ten years...
"And I have had broken ribs before. I have worked with broken ribs. I have climbed a freaking mountain with a broken leg and I lived so I think I will be fine."
He did not seem impressed by his injuries. Luca didn't want to even think about the last part.

"He will stay at the palace."
"No I will not and don't think I didn't hear the your highness part, your highness."
Cihan started at Luca with an intense glare.
Tamar excused herself Elliot took the opportunity to leave to and Aspen rolled his eyes.
"If you kiss my brother I wil hit you in the face." He told Luca and he left.
Luca really wished he didn't turn in to a tomato at that.

"I was gonna tell you."
He was expecting Cihan to growl, yell or maybe even tell him this wasn't gonna work. That he asked Luca to the celebration and kissed him in the cheek but now he was a prince...
"I knew." Cihan stated simply.
Luca was stunned.
'Knew... yes. I talked to your father. The kind one who likes to garden. He said he had four kids. The oldest being a boy who was a little dump with love. And you called the guards yours and you are not a commander of head guard or anything. So I figured it out."
"But your still..."

Cihan smiled.
It was amaZing. Even if his lip was split and he was bandaged up with more that one very nasty wound. His eyes were filled with something Luca never had seen anybody looking at him with before. And he knew he could no longer live without it.

"My parents once told me that if you know you like somebody you shouldn't let anything stop you but that person. That it didn't matter if you were poor or rich or I don't know. Love doesn't care about those things. Neither does happiness ."
Luca might have made an odd sound.
"You like me?"
"I guess so. If you don't like me this is gonna be very weird though. Maybe it's the medicine making me so confident." He mumbled the last part. Tamar gave him something for the pain.

Marry me. No he couldn't say that now, could he?

"Uh I ... I don't... yes."
Cihan frowned.
"Your dad was not wrong."
"He!" Cihan laughed.
"I can't kiss you cause your brother wil hit me." Luca told him even though he wanted to, really bad. Cihan liked him and didn't care he was a prince. And he liked him. and he wanted to kiss him very bad next to some other things. And his lips were so close to!

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