10. Luca/Cihan

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When walking back to his chambers he tried very hard not to have a mental breakdown. He just kissed the man of his dreams. The one who had his heart. The man he wanted to marry if his little sister didn't steal him away.
He just kissed him. He just kissed him. He just...
'Well don't you look just a little to happy.' Aspen was in from of his chambers with his arms crossed and a scowl set on his face.

"Me. Happy. I am just... I'm ... very... yes happy. It's a nice evening. Ah I feel very tired. I will go and sleep now." He tried to pass the guard but he stopped him.
"No! Not so fast little prince boy. Now that your courting my brother we are gonna have some rules." How the heck did he know that?!

"I think your brother is very capable of telling me wat he wants."

"That's not what I am worried about. I am worried about your ass trying to tie him down before he is ready, you are not allowed to ask his hand in marriage without my permission and not before you have at least courted him a year."
"A year!"
"Fine half a year. But that's it. And if you break his heart I will break your face. Good night." Aspen stomped away.
Luca touched his face.

The next morning he went to cihans room to wake him up with and be the first person he would see in the morning.
He wasn't there.

In the end it should not have been so hard to find him.
He was in the kitchens.
He was sitting on a chair next to one of the cooks begging him to let him help. Luca leaned against the doorway and looked at his love.

"But sir. I am already here! I can just wash up after you and watch!"
"Your ribs are broken."
"Tamar told you?"
"Yes boy. Tamar told me. You are not touching anything in here untill they are healed. Then you may come back and teach me how to make those delicious vegetables buns Elliot let me taste." Cihan blushed.
.He gave you one?.
The cook, Charles worked in the castle for years. He was a kind man with a ever kinder smile. He ruffled cihans hair.
"Can I just look then please." The cook rolled his eyes.

"No you can not. You must entertain our prince." Cihan turned around following the cooks look and Luca almost fell on the ground.
He grinned at him and Luca tried not to blush. But to see by the smirks the kitchen staff were showing he was faling miserabel.'

When they walked out of the kitchen Cihan didn't waist any time to grab his hand.
"Uh, we can do this now right? Now we are courting?" He asked with a little blush. Luca didn't quit remember how to form words so he nodded and intertwined their fingers.
"How do You think everybody knows? I mean I didn't tell anybody and I hardly doubt you told the whole castle before going to sleep..." Cihan stopped and frowned. Looking up to him. His head a little to the side and with his eyes only focused on him.
"Did You?"

Luca smiled leaned forward and kissed him.
"No I did not. But your brother knew the moment I left your room. So maybe we are just to easy to read..."
Cihan grinned and with a little blush pressed himself to his prince.
Luca waisted no time with wrapping his arms around him.
To hug him properly.

"How are your injuries?"
"They hurt. But Tamar gave me more medicine. And your here now... so."
Luca felt like floating. He kissed the top op his lovers hair.
"What would you like to do today?"
Cihan grinned.
"Arent you suppose to be doing like prince things?"
"I am taking the day of." He said not wanting to ever let him go.

He stil could hardly believe that he was now courting Cihan. That Cihan accepted him being a prince. And they had kissed!
Cihan smiled.
"I think your father might disagree. But don't worry. I already have plans."
Luca turned his head to see his father smirking at them and Cihan released him.
Jumped on his tiptoes to kiss his cheek without any shame and Then said bye to him and his father.

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