12. Luca

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Dinner the next day made Luca nervous. He asked if he and his fathers could spent it alone. With Cihan of course.
And with the way his fathers where smiling they seemed to be expecting different new that the one they would get. Luca almost wished for that news as wel. But he couldn't be selfish. Cihan had lost so much in his life. And he was more than willing to give up more as long as he could be with Luca. He had to support him to do this thing. He deserved to know.

"Your majesty,"
"It's father or nothing at all." His father reprehended Cihan who blushed and nodded.
"I wanted to speak with you about something."
They nodded sharing a glance with his husband and they focusing of Cihan.
Luca grabbed his hand because thinking about his being a three week boot journey a
Away made him feel horrible.

"I am going back to the Medirean islands after the ball for your birthday."
His father blinked and his dad looked from Luca to Cihan.
"Are You... leaving..." he started.
"Oh no... uhm I want to go look for my family. I need to know if they are still alive or... I just have to. I'll come back of course." He said the last words to Luca while squeezing his hand. Luca tried to smile.

"What if you find them and they won't let you go back?"
Cihan shook his head as if that where a ridiculous thought.
"Do you honestly think I would let anyone, even family stop me from being with you? I love you!"
Luca flushed and Cihan grinned when he tried to escape his gaze.

His dad sighed relieved.
"I understand. We will give you anything you need!"
Cihan smiled.
"I was thinking about asking the delegation that is coming to the ball if I can travel back with them. I have drawn out maps for myself to take with me to start my search."
"You have prepared this for a while."
Cihan blushed and nodded.
"I never though I might have the change to go back. But it just.. it keeps eating away at me." He fessed up.

Luca cupped his face and made him look at him.
"I love you. I know you have to go. Of course you have to go!"
Cihan smiled and leaned into his warmth.
"I'll come back you know."
Luca nodded.
Of course Cihan came back. Unless he didn't. Cihan freed himself and picked up some food.
"And then... maybe... my brother can be convinced... you know if you still by then will want me and are not deeply and madly in love with some lady of course."
Luca scowled.
"Absurd!" He called out.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'll wait. I'll wait as long as I have to. But if you take more than a year I'm coming after you."
Cihan smiled.
"You'll write us, won't you?" His dad asked.
Cihan nodded.
"Of course." But Luca frowned as his ears turned a bit red.
"I'm not very good at writing. I learned quit late. So it might look a little silly and..."
"We won't care." Luca interrupted him.
Cihan looked at him not quit convinced.
Luca pressed a kiss on his cheek.
"Trust me. We don't. We just want to hear from you. And maybe after you come back and... you know. We can visit it together after we have agreed on the terms of the..."
"Yea." Cihan interrupted him as he seemed to sence Luca was beginning to ramble a bit.
"I'd like that! I can show you all the beautiful places. I'll make sure to find a lot."
He promised..
Then he flushed as they noticed his parents watching them with a fond look in their eyes.

Both where happy his son finally found someone he loved.
Someone who accepted him for who and what he was. Someone who made him happy.

Luca only wished the ball of his father's birthday would take longer.
But alas the time was not in his favor and day grew near. The Medirean allegation arrived and Luca made sure to introduce Cihan to them.

Cihan had been so nervous. But the moment they met him they where absolutely pleased. They spoke with him in warm voices in a tong Cihan seemed to be fluid in.
Every day at least one of them found Cihan and spoke with him for hours in end.
They of course wholeheartedly agreed to let him come along. Promising to keep him safe and protected by their own royal guards.

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