8. Cihan/Luca

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Meeting the king was just a little scary. He looked like a bigger and meaner version of Luca. And also he had a nose that was broken more than once. And thick red locks and a wild beard. But behind all the scary he had little sparkling brown eyes that looked at his little new daughter with so much love, even if his face didn't seem to make out a normal smile.

Being invited for diner was not something he was prepared for. But he kept on his brave face for the little girl that looked like she was way to scared for her new father and brother than she needed to be. If him being there helped her since she seemed to like him now than he would gladly.
Even if being near the entire royal family freaked him out in more ways than one.

He didn't like people. He didn't trust them either. People could turn on you the moment you turned your back on them. As they had on many occasions. It wasn't the first time he was beaten for something stupid. It wouldn't be the last time.
Aspen would be upset if he knew every time he had hidden some bruise or had been chased because he looked funny. Or because people didn't think he was worth it to be called anything but a dog or a slave. Maybe he once was.
But he wasn't anymore. And he wasn't gonna let some dumb people ruin his life because of it.

But to just trust people was hard. Because he seen how easy it was for people to pretend and then turn on you when you let your guard down.
But it felt a little better to know Aspen trusted Luca so much.
But just because he was in love didn't mean he was gonna let his guard down just like that. It would take time. But he would try.

Eli found him before he could even try and figure out were the diner would take place.
Elliot was with her, smiling like he knew something.
Cihan hadn't known what to wear and anyone he asked wasn't helpful at all.
But he found a washing lady called Ezera, a pretty girl with light caramel colored skin littered with freckles and beautiful honey colored curls who was more than willing to help him.

Knowing how people treated people who had a little tan from Duran to here he was quick to trust her.
He gave him a tighter black letter pants than looked like it was for soldiers or guards and a white blouse that was more fitting. She tried to brush his hair backwards more and said he looked very handsome. She then teased him a little with the pretty prince who was after him. And yes... everyone knew.

He was gonna visit her tomorrow to tell her how it went .
Aspen had duty tonight and was standing in front of the royal suite were the royal family was having a private diner. It was in the chambers were the kings lived. And two doors down was were Lucas chambers were. Elliot seemed to think he needed that information.

"Meeting your new parents in law so soon little brother." Aspen teased with a smirk.
Cihan looked around oblivious.
"Princess Eli, did you hear something?"
Eli giggled. Elliot raising an eyebrow and Aspen grunting.
"No? Then it must have been the wind. Let's go."
Aspen rolled his eyes at being ignored.


He had no reason to be this nervous.
He looked ridiculous as well. Elliot was not the only one to tell him. It was just a diner. With his family, and the love of his live...
His hair was a mess. His clothes were a mess and he was sweating for no reason. His hands were sticky and he kept pacing. His brothers Levi and Iro had the best time making fun of him.
His dad at least pretended to not wanting to laugh. His father did not hold back. Cihan came in with their new sister. Smiling with a sparkle in his eyes.
She was wearing a pretty blue dress and her hair was still in her braid. And she was very proud of it.

Walking in with Cihan for the first time since she was here she didn't look scared. She was giggling about something. Luca almost fell of his seat when he lay his eyes on Cihan.
He jumped up making his brothers laugh, but he hardly noticed.
Cihan might still have some bruises and bandages but with his hair combed back a little and well fitting clothes he looked a absolutely stunning Luca wanted to hide him incase some other person fell in love and tried to steal him away. The dimples in his cheeks and the wrinkles around his eyes from laughing.

"Ah look who we have here. Finally daring to join us then little princess." Levi said. Dad wasn't one to be mad fast but he glare he sent his second oldest was very deadly.
The smile was wiped of elisabeths face. Those stupid idiots forgot she was just a scared little girl who hardly knew any of them.

"Cihan?" She then said while looking around a little confused.
"Did you hear something?" She asked very confused which made everybody stunned for a second.
Cihan smiled while pulling her seat back gracefully like Luca wanted to do for Cihan if he remember to move.

"No nothing at all..."
"Must be the wind then." She said ignoring the two boys sitting in front of her.
"Must be."
Levi frowned. Iro leaned back a little and huffed.
But father laughed hard and ruffled up their hair.
"Indeed the wind my dear. Now welcome Cihan. Let's eat."

Cihan somehow had no troubles with letting Eli talk and he seemed calm even though he shoulders were tense and he kept sneaking glanses and the door and the windows. Like he was checking the fasted way to get out incase something went wrong.

No one mentioned it. Even though he knew his fathers noticed. Cihan had a past. He came from a country were he was not born. His family was gone and he hadn't told anyone what had happened to them. Aspen had found him when he was fourteen years old and he was very much so used to getting hurt.

It broke Lucas heart.

He didn't want Cihan to ever get hurt.
He didn't want him to be used to pain.
Or to look like he expected them to stab them in the back once he would let his guard down.
He wanted to him to be happy and safe. He wanted him here and in the gardens laughing and playing. He wanted Him to bake all things his heart desired without being fired or scared of being beaten up.

"So what did you do to get that?" Iro asked after a little while of polite conversation. Luca wanted to strangle him really bad.
Cihan looked up not in the least bit bothered at all.
"I had a little disagreement. But it's all figured out now." He said. Levi grinned and leaned forward.
"Oh now really what was the disagreement about then?l
"Levi." His father growled.

"Nothing important Really just something about possessions and who they belonged to and such." He smiled at Eli who looked a little confused.
"So how many did you fight?"
"Iro and Levi if you continue this you will regret it." Their father promised.
But Cihan just smiled and put his fork down. Taking the hand of Eli who looked scared.
"Its not bothering me your highness, it was only ten guys."

Luca thought he was joking and so did the twins.
Cihan hummed and ate some food.
"This is Really delicious, your majesty."
But the king was staring at his future son in law.
"You were in a fight with ten men?"
Cihan shrugged.
"I got the book back safe."
"What about your other things?" Luca asked suddenly trying to think about anything else than Cihan fighting ten men and breaking ribs because of it.

"Oh... that's alright. I can live without them just fine, but that book was the one I borrowed and I would have felt horrible if I lost it. And I could have gotten Aspen I know that but we would have never found them again..."
He brushed it of and smiled at Luca.
"A book is replaceable, Cihan. You are not." His dad took the words out of his mind.
Cihan blushed a little.

Cihan is a such a badass... with very little preservation...
Good thing he has a Luca!
We should all have a Luca.
Or a Bruno.
Is someone here also obsessed with enchanto? I mean I hear all those songs in repeat in my head non stop. They are so good!

Anyways (I spoil you don't i) thanks for reading, please comment, vote and follow and tell me your favorite Disney movie (you don't have to only pick one)

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