11. Luca/Cihan

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After the long day he had in which he had to listen to a bunch of old men nag about why he shouldn't court Cihan. And then when his father told them to stop it. They made sure to mention every single person who he should marry instead.
Then they talked about the Duran and the medarian islands and why they should or should not try and establish a treaty with them.

Luca for one was against Duran completely. His father was on his page thankfully.
But after this day he was glad to have Cihan by his side again. His warm body pressed in his side and their hands interlocked. It was almost enough to make him forget about the day he had.

"You better not do anything to him. I like him. I want him to be my friend." He said to Isaac who had looked at The little scholar Cihan had met a little to interested.
"I haven even done anything."
"Oh I know. I just don't trust you. Hurt him and you'll regret it."
"Oh really? And what will happen to me then? You'll send your brother on me." Isaac teased. Cihan just raised an eyebrow and Isaac frowned then looked at Luca and then looked a little frightened.
"You know what, never mind. I won't hurt him. Promise!" He said.

Luca smiled when Cihan did. He really wished they would be left alone for a while.
But the look Isaac gave him said that Aspen had a word with him and he wasn't going anywhere.
"Want to go for a walk?"
Cihan smiled and leaned more close if it was possible.
"I think I might have to lay down for a bit."
Luca immediately turned around and grabbed his shoulders.
Searching every bit of him for signs of pain of discomfort.

"Are you hurt?"
Cihan smiled softly.
"Broken ribs remember? I think I may have pushed it. I'm going to lay down for a bit. Don't worry."
"I will always worry." Luca said caressing his cheek.
Cihan moved quickly. Leaned forward jumped on his tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss on his lips.
"See you later." He promised before walking off.

Luca sighed.
"You got it bad don't you." Isaac teased. He gave him an unprincly push and walked off. Isaacs loud laugh echoed thru the castle behind him.

But Isaac wasn't wrong. He was so very in love with Cihan. He wished that this half of a year would pass quicker.

In the end maybe it did go by fast. When your at the beginning time seems so long and far away. In the middle you hardly notice how far you've gone.
Cihans bruises faded and he found a new job. As apprentice in the royal kitchens.
He already spent most of his time there anyway and everybody could agree that his food was the most delicious food they ever tasted.

Cihans ribs healed and they went out riding together. Finding out that Cihan was a more skilled rider that he ever could have thought. He could stand up right on the back of a horse while in full gallop. Luca was starting to believe Cihan wasn't real.

That he was some hero from a fairytale. But then cihan kissed him in an empty corner of the castle and he knew he was.

Every single free second they had they tried to spent in each other's presents.
And time passed to quickly and then winter came.

"I think forming an alliance with a country that kidnaps innocent children and used them as slaves is the most ridicules idea anyone has ever had." The king slammed his fist on the table. Luca was busy trying to stop himself from breaking the neck of the councilmember who came up with the idea.

"We should form an alliance with the islands. They are prospering, and we could both benefit from an alliance." An older gentleman, his former tutor spoke up. He usually didn't even come to meetings anymore. But today he came and he seemed determined to speak up.
Luca wondered if it had anything to do with Cihans friendship with his future replacement. Or the times Cihan had spent in the library.

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