7. Luca

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Elliot found me with my father after he went to check up on Cihan with a frown on his face. Telling us he was no longer in his room. My entire body went cold all of the sudden. All the worst kind of scenario's thru my head.
But Aspen merely huffed from his place by the wall.
"Of course he isn't there anymore. The kid doesn't like being locked in a room for to long. Cant say I blame him though. He will be wondering around somewhere. He can take care of himself."

Luca knew that but he still excused himself from his laughing father and went to look for him. His father had not yet met the lover his son couldn't stop talking about since the past few days, so he went along to meet him.

They found the nanny of the newest member of their family first, looking a little annoyed while looking for little Elisabeth.
Eli came from the orphanage and had only lived with them for a little while. She cried a lot. Had a lot of night terrors and was very shy. Dad hadn't convinced her to come to the meals with the family. And the twins didn't make it better by teasing her. Luca wanted to make her feel at home but she seemed to be to frightened of him.

She found luca and father scary so avoided them most of the time. They knew  it was only a matter of time and she would grow to like them both so they all gave her space and tried to show her as much love as they had.
They found her laughing about something a soothing voice He knew was Cihan, had told her. She was sitting with her back to him and he sat crosslegged behind her making her wild curly hair into a complex braid dad would be jealous about.
He was telling her about his family.
But all of the stories were in past tense. And as little as she was she didn't notice but the prince and the king did.

He told her about three sisters who loved to ride horses and tease their little brother for falling of them. He told her about two loving parents who could tell amazing stories and always took them everywhere to see the world.
And then he told her without any details that they were no longer with him but his sweet but slightly annoying brother Aspen found him so neither of them were alone anymore.

"Just like you aren't alone anymore! Because you now have two great loving fathers and three big brothers. And if they tease you again just tell me, I can take them!" He promised her making his father grin.

"Are you sure? My brother is very big."
"Oh I am sure I can handle Luca if I have to." Cihan said with a sly grin.
"You think so?" Luca said revealing himself and his father from listening in.
Cihan smiled petted Elisabeth to let her know her hair was done and stood up surprisingly graceful for having two broken ribs. Luca almost felt like blushing.
Then he bowed.

"Your majesty. Your highness."
"I did tell you you couldn't call me your highness though." Luca was more worried about the wound in cihans side than his bowing. But he didn't  want to startle his new sister who was looking like she wanted to run,
Cihan smiled with sparkling eyes.
"I will consider it then."

He then turned to his sister.
"Princes Eli, would you like to visit the gardens with me?"
Elisabeth seemed pleased with her new nickname and nodded. She grabbed his hand without any doubt and pressed herself in his side looking at the big figures of her new father and brother. She had cried, he could see her red puffy eyes. He wondered If the nanny had anything to do with it. He was sure his father would not allow the woman anywhere near the little girl anymore. She had had enough hardship in her short life. And they would not add to it.

"Are you alright sweetpeach?" Their father asked seeing her red eyes.
She nodded softly pressing herself deeper against Cihan. It must have hurt his side but he did not show it. He just smiled and patted the girls hair.
"The princess and I just met. I was lost and found her here. She had some trouble with the brushing of her hair but we figured it out didn't we?"
Eli smiled wide and nodded,
"And it didn't hurt!" she added.
Father smiled.
"That is good."

"I wanne show you the flowers now Cici." Cihan laughed hearing his new nickname.
"Alright then." He made a short bow for the king and smiled slyly at Luca.
"Will you join us for diner tonight, Cihan? I would like to get to know you as well." The king asked. Luca knew his father didn't ask just alone for Cihan but also in the hope his new daughter would dare to join as well.
Cihan smiled a little.
"I... I would love to but... ah... I feel like I should try and find a new job in town this afternoon as well.."
"You are not looking for a job as long as your ribs are broken." Luca interrupted him. Eli startled a little as him strict voice but seeing that Cihan merely smiled and huffed a little she relaxed.

"I can't stay here for ever." Luca wanted to say that he never intended to let his new love go not after he told him he was in love with him. He wanted to marry him and never leave his side again. But the persistent look in cihans eyes said he had nothing to say about it.
"Your supposed to be on bedrest for this week."

"I tried."
Luca raised an  eyebrow.
"...and I failed." Cihan smiled not looking to sorry about it.
"I would love to join you for diner your majesty. Will you be there as well princess? At least then I will know someone." She nodded happily persistent to make her new friend feel comfortable. Even though it was just a little trick to lure her to diner.
Cihan seemed to know she was a little intimidated and seemed to want to make her happy.
"Then we will now excuse ourselves." He made a little bow and Eli squealed happy and started to pull him towards the garden while taking about how pretty it was and which flower was her favorite.

Luca saw his father looking at them untill they disappeared around the corner.
He knew he was struggling with the knowledge that his new child was afraid of him because he looked a little more intimidating than his other half. Luca knew how frightened he had been at first. But he father was a big teddy bear and he knew he just wanted to hug the little girl and kiss her before going to bed, he wanted to tell her stories and let her know how loved she was.
"I think you have found the most perfect man to fall in love with." His father said with a smile. Luca nodded feeling much better than before.
"I think so to."

You didn't think I was gonna only give you one chapter did you?
Cihan is so perfect even his father in law is already on board with the marriage. I mean come on! What you guys think our warrior king will do to the nanny?

Thanks for reading ! Please comment, vote and stop at red lights so you don't die in a car crash!

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