Chapter 19.

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Edward Martinez's Pov
I turned on the television so I could watch the downfall of my rival, I smiled as the paparazzi questioned the senator's daughter.
Let see how he will come out of this after all the evidence has been released to the press.
Now, I can achieve what I wanted, to be the next senator. My son has made me proud, I'll reward him so greatly.

Edward, I heard my wife call out to me as she walked in with two glasses of juice.
Have you heard the news about the current Senator about his embezzlement

That's what I'm watching, I can't believe he could do all this.

He was a good role model, everyone loves and respect him who could believe he could do all this, People are not to be trusted.

Yes, you're right.

I can't still believe he did all those things.

The evidence was shown, there's no need to doubt.

Have some juice, she said and handed the glass to me. He should be punished justice must be served.

I'll be sure he gets the punishment he deserves.

Yes, we can't let him go scot-free.

I sat there enjoying the view while I sip my juice, no one crosses me and go free, I giggled.

Daniel Martinez pov
I switched on the television, my heart broke as I watched her cry in front of the camera.
Why am I being so soft, I don't love her, why should I care. Her dad deserves what he got, as a cop, I need to enforce the law to anyone who breaks it, that's my duty.
Why am I feeling bad, I didn't do anything wrong and I don't regret it.
I switched off the tv, I couldn't bear to see her face, I stormed out of the room angrily, I need to cool my head.

Yvette Roberts pov.
I was absent-minded, I couldn't stop thinking, it all felt like a dream.
Just yesterday I had the best day of my life, today I felt my world has crumbled.
Why is life always treating me unfairly, when I thought I've finally found love, it all disappear?

Yvette, Yvette, lucy called out to me.

I brought you here to ease your pain, not for you to be lost in thought. Do you remember this spot, we use to come here when we were kids.

I do.

We always spend time here whenever we are passing through difficult times, do you still remember?.

Yes, we come here to scream out all our pains.

Yes, I know you are in pain, I want you to scream out your anger.

Lucy, we are no longer kids.

Does it matter, if you're are too shy I can start first?

I know you are doing all this to make me feel better, you don't have to, I'll be fine.

I don't want you to think too much.

Thank you for caring for me, I hug her.

What are friends for if I can't make you feel better? Now, can you give me that smile?

I hesitated for a while before smiling, I wasn't feeling good but having her around I felt a little bit better.
I place my head on her shoulders, I'm so glad to have her in my life, she always comes to my rescue. When we were still kids she was my backbone, if I get bullied by my classmates she always fights for me.
I raise my head when I heard my phone ring, I brought out my phone, mom was the one calling, my heart skip for a bit.
I picked the call, holding my breath.

Get back to the hospital, your father wants to see you, she said sounding so scared.

I stood up from where we were seated together.

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