chapter 7

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Yvette POV
Wow-what a beautiful morning, I wish my day will go smooth without some trouble, oh that reminds me I need to make a plan on how to get rid of that dad's bodyguard. Anytime I cross-part with him my blood always boil, he's so full of himself. Yes I know what to do now since my other plans are not working, I will try this one it will surely work, Now that I have forgiven my dad and we are on good terms he will surely take my side and not Daniel's side. Why? Because am his daughter (smiling) My plan will surely work this time, Daniel Martin's you don't know what I have in store for you. oh, I just forget something important I promise Lucy to go shopping with her, oh my god she's going to kill me. I need to dress up quickly and call her before I will be killed and buried by her.

*** Lucy sorry I forgot we were going shopping today

*** Do you know how long I have been waiting

*** please don't get angry at me please(Puppy face)

*** Oh no Yvette you know how to get me to forgive you, OK, OK it's alright I forgive you stop showing me that your puppy face

*** thanks, that is why you are my best friend and I love you so much (making puppy face)

*** I love you too, now can you stop the puppy face and let's start going so we can get back early.

*** okay fine you win let me tell mom Brenda that we are going out


Yvette POV
I'm happy I have learned to forgive and accept people in my life, I forgave dad, I learn to accept Brenda as my Mommy, she has been treating me as her child, I have seen how kind and loving she is she didn't give up on me when I push her away. but what still gets me worried is that Veronica and I don't walk on the same road, I have accepted her as my sister I don't know why she hates me. but I won't give up on her just how mummy didn't give up on me

***Mom, Lucy and I will be going out to do some shopping

**** okay dear don't stay out long, Daniel martin will go with you two to protect you

**** No Mom why him? we can take another bodyguard to go with us

**** He will be the best, your dad trust him I'm sure he can protect you with his life

*** But Mom........

*** No but that's final, He's going with you girls

***(angry) OK mom

*** Lucy go get Daniel here

*** Yes Mrs. Brenda

Veronica POV
Did I just hear Yvette is going out shopping and not only that,  Daniel is going along I can't let that happen I can't let the both of them be together I must go with them, oh I need to call Becky if she will like to go shopping too? Becky is my best friend

*** Hello Becky,

*** Hello Veronica I'm in the middle of something I speak to you later when I'm less busy

***Can you drop whatever you're doing and come over to my place so we can go shopping there's some of the latest designer cloth I would like to buy I know you would like some too

***(happily) yes yes, I will drop what I  am doing, I am coming over now, you know that I love shopping

*** I know and that's why we get along so now get yourself down here

**** okay I will come right away

Veronica POV
I can't let them go out without me when Daniel is going to.

*** Veronica you are here where are you going dress up

*** (pretend) Mom am going shopping with Becky

*** oh, you came at the right time Yvette is also going shopping too why don't you join them. Daniel and some guards Will escort you both

*** okay mom.

Veronica POV
My plan is working I'm going to be around Daniel I'm so happy and not happy because Yvette will be there but it doesn't matter since Daniel Martin is there.

Yvette POV
I know why she agreed so easily because Daniel Martin is coming along so she can have the full opportunity to flock around him I don't know what she sees in him. oh my god I know my day won't go well since he and Veronica is
going to be there, I just want to have a peaceful day without him being there for once.

*** Mrs. Brenda, am back with Daniel Martins

*** okay, Daniel I would like you to escort my girls with some guards to go shopping I want you to bring them back safe and sound

***Yes Mrs. Brenda I will

Yvette POV
(Scoff) I hate his boldness so fake

Daniel POV
I can finally have a chance to talk to her if only Veronica will give me a breathing space someone should save me from her I have not seen any lady so clingy as her

*** Veronica dear I'm here did I miss anything

*** Thank god, Becky you are here let's us all head out

Yvette Pov
We all went out of the house, Daniel, opened the back car for us to go in.
We went in and sat in different seats, I was so furious when Daniel sat beside me.
Why is he being so clingy, I frown?

Why don't you go sit somewhere else, I said trying to free out my frustration.

Daniel, why don't you come, sit beside me. veronica cuts in.

Yes, go sit with her.

I love where I'm sitting.

Whatever, I said and look away.

We arrived at the mall, the driver parked the car we came out and walked into the mall.

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