Chapter 14

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Yvette's POV
What just happened, last night did me and Daniel just have..., I blushed as I remembered last night's incident. Ah, it's so embarrassing, I covered my face with the bedspread. " oh his coming back to the bed, let me pretend like I'm sleeping, I'm too shy to look at his face now.

Come on Yvette, I know you are not sleeping. Get up, and go take a shower. we need to leave this place now, your parent will be so worried by now, waiting for your return.

Okay, I'll go take a shower.

Yvette pov
I rushed into the bathroom with my head down In other to avoid eye contact with him. I couldn't gather enough courage to look him in the face because I kept having a glimpse of what happened last night.
I on the shower, the cold water dropped violently on me, sending a shiver to my body.
I shut my eyes to enjoy the feelings I was getting from the cold shower, I need this to cold the hotness I was feeling inside.
I stood for hours as the water kept dropping on me.
I was done bathing, I walked out of the bathroom.
The room was empty, he was out. I sited the clothes placed perfectly on the bed, I walked to the bed, pick the cloth and wore it.

Daniel's POV
Why is she behaving weird, what the fuck is wrong with her. Or is it because of what happened between the both of us last night, that's a normal thing, no hard feelings attached? I don't want to think about that anyway.
I walked out of the room, I waited for her outside to come to join me.
I stood for hours already getting tired of waiting when I saw her walk out with her face down, she was trying to avoid eye contact with me.

Are you set to go?.



Daniel pov
I stopped a cab to take us back to the house, we entered the car together. Things didn't change as she continues to avoid eye contact, so the ride was quiet as each of them refused to bring out a conversation.

At Rodriguez's mansion.

Dear, where have you been all night, I and your dad were so worried. we thought something bad has happened to you, we were about to call the police if we didn't see you.

Mom, I'm so sorry for making you and dad so worried. I and Daniel would have returned, but the rain was severe so we couldn't.  we had to find a place to spend the night, I'm sorry I made you and Dad worried, it won't repeat.

Is alright, I am happy you're back safe and sound. Now, can you explain why you left the house without informing anyone?.

I'm so sorry mom, I just wanted to have a free time alone. I'm sorry to cause you some trouble, I'm tired I need to rest now talk to you later.

Okay dear, but you still need to tell me where you went to. later then, have a good rest.

Brenda's POV
She's behaving strangely today, why do I feel something is wrong. did something bad happen to her, or maybe am thinking too much. Daniel was with her, nothing could have probably happened to her.

Daniel, I feel she's acting strange did anything happens to her.

It's nothing much, I was right on time so everything is under control.

Okay if you say so, I'll be on my way now, to prepare lunch for the family.

Okay, Brenda, I will be in my room.

Wait a minute, this was delivered to Yvette this morning, can you take it to her. I was about telling her before she left."pointed to the direction where she kept it"

Yes, I can, I'll just pick it up now.

Thanks, tell her to go see her dad when she's done resting, he's so worried.

Okay I will

What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you at all

Yvette's POV
I didn't wait for mom to complete what she was saying, I ran to my room. I sat on the bed as I stare at the window, what is wrong with me, why does my heart beat fast when I'm around him.
No, I should stop thinking about him.
I was about laying on the bed when I sighted him, Oh God, not him again, why did I forget to shut the door?.  Wait, why am I avoiding him? Is not that we did something wrong, why do I feel we did. But my heart keeps beating when every I see him, I feel like I'm being suffocated. I must be crazy, I can't like him I can't fall in love with him.

What are you doing here, I said trying to hide my frustration.

Have you forgotten, we both share the same room. "Go close to her"

"Shy" can you just move away from me, what I meant was you were supposed to be working by now.

Are you that so determined to get rid of me, does my appearance sulk, or scare you?

No, not at all, it's just that I wasn't expecting you.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, don't forget the fact I am your husband so you are stuck with me forever. 😎😎😎

Why do you have to keep reminding me of that?🙄🙄🙄My gosh you're such a bully.

I'm just being nice dear " winked at her😉" I just came to deliver this to you, I'll be on my way.

Can you stop winking at me, so annoying. 😏😏😏😏 it doesn't suit you.

Get used to it my dear bye "laugh"😀😀😘😘.

Whatever, big bully I don't know when you will stop bullying me😒😒😒😒

I won't, so get used to it dear😜🙃😜😘😘 I'll leave you to have your rest and think of last night😉😉😉

😡😡😡 you're a dog, you almost killed me last night, that was my first.

😁😁😁 I'm so nice, I don't want you to forget your first😋😋😋

Your crazy🙄🙄🙄, I hate you

No, you love me😉😉😉

Get out, I've gotten much of your rubbish" covered her head with her bedspread"

I know you love it, we can finish it up today's night😎😎😎😎

"Stone him the pillow" get out before I lose my temper because we are never doing that again.

Look at how you ruin my handsome face😞😞😞, face all girls are dying for. Don't worry you'll beg me for it.

It's never gonna happen.

You can't say dear😘😘😘😉😉😉😉 I'll leave you now, see you later😘😘😘" left"

I hate his gut, it boils my blood.

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