chapter 12

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Daniel POV
How dare she do this to me "hits his hand on the wall " I never dream of getting married, even if I want to, it can't be with someone I don't love. I make her pay for what she did to me, I make her fall in love and regret why she fell to me.

(Veronica walks in)

*** Why do it has to be my sister,    why not me I love you, I can satisfy you any way you want? "Pull her clothes off"

*** Even you? You don't believe me "turn to face her and saw her naked and quickly close his eye" wear your cloth  back,  Veronica

*** I can give you what you want, just take me and satisfy yourself

*** Veronica wear your cloth back now.

***  " put on her cloth" Daniel your hand is bleeding " hold his hand" let me help you to clean it up

*** "pull his hand away" you don't have to, it's no big deal

*** I help you in carrying out your plan

*** what did you say

*** I will help you out but you must promise not hurt dad and mom and when everything is over I can do anything I want with Yvette

*** Yes I won't hurt them.

*** So what am I  going to help you with.

*** There's a file I want you to get for me once I have it, it will be enough to strip him of his title as a senator once I release it to the press, I tried to get it but I couldn't reach it only family members can get access to it and that's you or Yvette.

*** okay  I get it for you, you just have to give me some time to do that

*** okay

*** Dad please reconsider I can't marry him

*** Yvette,  I  know you plan all  this

** "surprise " how did you find out

*** I am your father I know you I know when you don't like people you are ready to do anything to get rid of them. I knew you don't like Daniel Martin's but you didn't have to do this, I know it's my fault for not being a good dad to you, I know I cause all this hatred in your heart.

*** Dad, you knew I plan all this why did you ask us to get married then,  
you know how much I hate him I'm never going to marry him

*** I know but I want you to suffer for your actions, you are going to marry him.

*** If I don't, will you send me back to my aunt's place? abandon me how you always do.

*** Why are you saying this, I promise to never leave again and likewise I won't allow you to go on the wrong side.

*** Dad I am sorry I got so emotional, I know you feel sorry I promise I will never do this again will always make you proud but...***

No, but, we'll start the wedding preparation tomorrow so go to bed we talk more in the morning. I need to rest now I'm going to my room your mom is waiting for me.

Angry" fine, since you won't reconsider, I'll make this house hell for everyone.

Yvette's POV
I walked out angry, Dad is so stubborn, how could he do this to his daughter.
Since dad refuses to cancel the wedding, I make Daniels's life unbearable and he will ask for a divorce.

I walked back to my room, I shut the door hard, I was so angry.
I fell on my bed and buried my face on the pillow, I've never thought of marrying yet, I still want to enjoy being single now everything is ruined all because of my worst nightmare Daniel.

Why did our part have to cross, I know what to do, I'll just play along with what dad arranged. When everything is over, I'll frustrate him until he asks for a divorce.
I smiled as I thought of a plan, seems marrying him is not that bad, I can pay him tenfold for everything he put me through.

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