15. Course adjustment

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The next day, just hours before the scheduled execution of the Federation POWs, Damar came up to the command center to find Weyoun and Thot Gor giggling over some devious plans to attack a weak spot in the Romulan defense. Nyran saw him through the glass in her door and sprung to her feet to give him the report that had been waiting for him for a while. Even before she got out of her little office, his face turned into one of the most common expressions he used in Weyoun's presence. Apparently, the Breen was getting praised for his military strategist expertise.

"Your report, Legate Damar," she said as usual. He gave her a tiny private smile, but nodded professionally.

"Go ahead, Yaren."

Nyran put the most pressing item on top of her list, knowing just how much it meant to him. The news gutted her, and she knew he put the blame of all deaths under his pretense rule on himself. But he had to know; he had to see what a snake Weyoun was, how little he cared about anything they held dear. There was bound to be a breaking point, when Damar would have enough and decide to flip the table on the Dominion.

Somehow. She was ready to help him figure it out.

"Our forces on Septimus III have fallen, sir," she said in an almost apologetic tone. "No reinforcements arrived to help them." That tone was accusatory.

His jaw loosened and the spark in his eyes went off.

"What..." he breathed, wounded. Then his gaze found Weyoun and his face hardened.

"Septimus III," he said loudly to catch his attention. "An entire Cardassian Order* has been wiped out! Five hundred thousand men," he yelped.

"Oh yes," Weyoun nodded sadly**. "A great tragedy."

"You promised reinforcements!"

"I promised nothing of the kind," Weyoun countered. "I said the situation will be dealt with and it was."

"By leaving them to be slaughtered by the Klingons?!"

"If you will calm down," Weyoun used his smoothest voice, "and listen, I will explain. The sacrifice made by the Eleventh Order will not be in vain. They forced the Klingons to commit worthwhile, valuable troops and resources to capture a strategically worthless planet."

Thot Gor uttered the usual distorted sounds°.

"I'm glad you agree," Weyoun smiled contently.

"Well, I don't," Damar retorted. "You condemned half a million loyal Cardassians --"

"If they were truly loyal," Weyoun did not let him finish, "then they died willingly for the Dominion. There could be no greater sacrifice."

"How many more sacrifices will my people be asked to make?" Damar growled.

"Your people, Damar?" Weyoun shot him a nasty smile and closed in. "We are all one with the Dominion. Vorta, Cardassian, Jem'Hadar, the Breen." Thot Gor supported him using another one of those harrowing sounds. "We all serve the Founders and we will all make whatever sacrifices they deem necessary!"

And with that he unceremoniously ended the conversation as if it never happened, turning back to the Breen admiral to continue discussing the Romulan defense. Damar turned on his heel and left the room. Thot Gor and Weyoun used that to talk behind his back.

"Yes, I know," Weyoun said, reacting to the Breen's distorted noise. "It's become increasingly difficult to get a full day's work out of him."

Which made Nyran angrily curse under her breath and follow Damar.

The Casualty «Dukat/Damar & OFC» 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now